
UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences



ACF - Academic Clinical Fellow

AHP - Allied Health Professional

BRC - Biomedical Research Centres

CASMI - Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation

CCT - Certificate of Completion of Training;

CL - Clinical Lecturer

CMT - Core Medical Training

CNMR - Centre for Nurse and Midwife led Research

CRTF - Clinical Research Training Fellowship

CSF - Clinician Scientist Fellowship

DTG - Doctoral Training Grant

DTP - Doctoral Training Programme

HENCEL - Health Education North, Central and East London

IAT - Integrated Academic Training

ICAT - Integrated Clinical Academic Training

JRCPTB - Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board

MRC - Medical Research Council

NIHR - National Institute for Health Research

NTN - National Training Number

NPIF - National Productivity Investment Fund

OOPR - Out of programme for research

RICP - Research in Clinical Practice