There are other sources of funding for US students beyond the Direct Loan system
US Veterans Benefits: Post-9/11 GI Bill
US veterans/or their dependants can use funding to contribute towards tuition fees and living expenses for degree-level study at UCL. For full information about the Post-9/11 GI Bill please click here.
Students on a course which is offered as 'distance learning', for example, where your enrolment status is 'non-resident', or where your study mode is 'Distance Learning' / 'MIxed Mode' will not be eligible to receive federal loans or US Veterans benefits.
If you wish to apply for the Post-9/11 GI Bill funding for degree-level study at UCL, please send a copy of your benefits entitlement letter to the Student Funding Office by email We will then check to see if your UCL programme is approved for benefits, and if not, we will make an application for approval if appropriate.
Private Student Loans
These are student loans provided by private, non-federal, lenders. There are many US private lenders but very few will lend to students studying outside the US. You can check if your state has a non-federal student loan agency that can lend to students abroad.
The University does not recommend any specific private lender, however listed below are the ones we are aware of:
The GEMS Smart Option Loan by Sallie Mae
You may also wish to look into organisations who negotiate student loan deals with specific lending partners, for example, Juno (formerly LeverEdge).
Please note UCL has no affiliation with and receives no financial incentives from any of the lenders/organisations listed above.
The lending terms for federal loans may be preferable to private loans. See the Dept of Education website for a guide.
Our role in the private loan process is to confirm your Cost of Attendance and certify your enrolment.