
Safety Services


Health and Safety Law Poster

There is a legal requirement for employers to display the HSE-approved law poster. This pages provides information on how to follow this requirement at UCL.

Health & Safety Law Poster
Employers are required to display a poster telling employees what they need to know about health and safety. The poster outlines British health and safety laws and includes a straightforward list that tells workers what they and their employers need to do.

The poster must be displayed in a prominent position in each UCL building (e.g. reception). If the building has multiple occupiers, each employer should have a H&S law poster on display in their area of responsibility. 

The poster has sections to include contact details of trade union or other safety reps and competent persons appointed to assist with health and safety. 

> Download the Health and Safety Law Poster Contacts (pdf) that should be displayed on the poster

The information is arranged so that it can be printed directly onto a sheet of labels (Avery L7159 63.5 x 33.9mm x 24 per page).

If there is not a poster displayed in your building, please email safety@ucl.ac.uk.

Last updated: Thursday, November 11, 2021

Further guidance

> Enforcing Authorities
> H&S Law Poster (HSE)