
Safety Services


COSHH Assessment

A COSHH assessment is a specific type of risk assessment looking at the risk associated with the use of hazardous chemicals and how the principals of good practice are implanted for the specific task.

COSHH Assessment​

​A COSHH assessment can be a separate form or part of the risk assessment as a separate hazard or activity.​

​As with any risk assessment, the purpose is to assess how the hazardous chemical may harm people and then consider the most suitable control measures.​

​For known hazardous chemical, the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides the starting point for the assessment, however not all substances used at UCL will have an SDS. In these cases, the principals remain the same.​

​How would someone be exposed?

Inhalation, Injection. Ingestion or Absorption​ (Gases, and fumes = Inhalation,  Liquid and solids = Absorption or Ingestion.)​

​What would be the degree of exposure?  ​

Does the chemical have a workplace exposure limit (WEL)? If not what is the maximum quantity that a person can be exposed to, for how long, and what is the likelihood of exposure.​

What is the Safety Data Sheet? →

Last updated: Tuesday, June 23, 2020