Chemical Safety Sub-Committee: monitoring and performance
The page describes how the Chemical Safety Sub-Committee provides management oversight through monitoring of key performance indicators.
On this page
Management oversight
The Chemical Safety Sub-Committee (CSSC) is a proactive management committee, and it will provide management oversight through the monitoring of the key performance indicators. These will be used to ensure that all the matters included in the scope of the committee are meeting the necessary compliance requirements. The Committee will also use them to indicate where improvements can be made regarding work with hazardous chemicals.
The Committee will comply with the following arrangements:
- The Chair must be a senior academic and hold a senior management position in a faculty or department which works with hazardous chemicals.
- Each member of the CSSC should either:
- Work or supervise work with chemicals.
- Be involved in ensuring the training and competence of people who work or supervise work with chemicals.
- Be involved in ensuring that the information, instruction, and training provided by UCL for working with chemicals is suitable for all staff, students and visitors.
- Meetings will be held quarterly (4 times a year).
- The quorate is 5 members one of which must be the Chair or the Deputy Chair.
Key performance measures
Key performance measures will include:
- Authorised risk assessments.
- Incidents – number of each type, investigations and potential risk.
Last updated: Tuesday, August 8, 2023