Updated Artificial Optical Radiation Standard released
13 March 2023
The Artificial Optical Radiation (AOR) Standard is designed to protect people who work with or around hazardous sources of AOR including lasers. It outlines UCL organisational requirements and arrangements that departments must adhere to if they work with hazardous AOR equipment.

Safety Services has updated the Artificial Optical Radiation (AOR) Standard. The new release reflects UCL’s ongoing commitment to safety and our determination to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
Laser Safety Officers, Principal Investigators/Academic Supervisors with management control over work with hazardous AOR equipment, and departmental safety committees of departments that keep and use hazardous AOR equipment should ensure they are familiar with the requirements of this standard and how the changes will affect them.
Key updates
- Changes to the roles and responsibilities of the Principal Investigator/Academic Supervisor make it clear that the person who has management control over the work is responsible for ensuring that:
- Risk assessments and schemes of work are in place.
- Induction and training have been completed by all those that need it.
- AOR equipment and the facilities in which they are used are maintained in good working order and regularly inspected and tested.
- The Laser Protection Officer in Safety Services will approve risk assessments for work that involves open beam Class 3B and Class 4 lasers (not all AOR risk assessments).
- Addition of information that must be included in a local induction for users of hazardous AOR equipment.
- What departmental Laser Safety Officers should cover in their annual assurance checks.
- Departments must have written procedures in place describing how AOR safety is managed in their department.
This updated standard will help to ensure that our community is protected from the risks associated with AOR exposure, and we are committed to continually improving our safety policies and procedures.
Where can I get further information?
> Working with artificial optical radiation or email lasersafety@ucl.ac.uk.
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