Staying safe during strike action and action short of strike (ASOS)
31 January 2023
The potential of staff absences, reduction in hours, or reduced staff support of activities during strike action may have an impact on how UCL continues its activities in a safe manner.

The impact of strike action must be considered by Departments - managers, PIs and supervisors must ask themselves how it impacts the health and safety of staff.
When activities are significantly changed by strike action or action short of a strike, departments need to review affected risk assessments to consider whether they can continue or not.
How to keep yourself and your colleagues safe
Is there a loss of expertise (competence), sufficient to make the activity unsafe to continue?
This may require competent support to be found from elsewhere, or the activity may need to be stopped.
Might equipment or machinery need to be switched off or secured, potentially locking areas of high hazard?
This is relevant where supervision and local expertise is needed for the safe operation of equipment, both for user safety and to prevent loss.
Can activities continue if lone working may result from the lack of staff in the area due to strike action?
Reduced staff presence or the hours staff are available can leave colleagues lone working and without support when it is needed. Ensure lone working procedures are in place.
Can physical activities that might require manual handling continue?
Where manual handling is required, ensure there is sufficient staff or wait until manpower is available.
Are safety roles in the work area still available, such as those on the Responsible Person’s Register?
If first aiders and Fire Evacuation Marshals are unavailable, consider how cover can be arranged from contacts within the building or locally. Also, are other specialist safety roles still provided by staff?
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