
Safety Services


riskNET incident reporting update

24 May 2022

Accidents and incidents at UCL must be reported using the riskNET 'Report an Incident' online tool. To ensure that we investigate incidents that could have an impact on Containment Level 3 (CL3) or BSU laboratory safety, a new field has been added to the riskNET reporting tool.

Reporting incidents allows UCL the opportunity to understand the circumstances which caused the incident to occur. Identifying the root cause of incidents can help to prevent future injuries.

When making an initial report, a new question has been added to relevant incident categories on the 'Report an Incident' tool asking you to check the box if the incident has an impact on CL3 or BSU laboratory safety. 

Does the incident relate to or have an impact on Containment Level 3 (CL3) or BSU laboratory safety?

Identifying incidents that may affect the safe running of a CL3 or BSU laboratory but do not happen inside this space ensures that the incident can be managed with suitable oversight for the level of risk. This is the latest in a number of improvements made to riskNET to ensure that this risk is correctly managed and investigated.

> Read more about reporting accidents and incidents
> Read more about investigating accidents or incidents