Our Team
Core staff
Louisa Acciari

Punam Yadav

Maureen Fordham

- Dr Louisa Acciari
Senior Research Fellow, GRRIPP Global Network Coordinator & Director of the Centre for Gender and Disaster
- Dr Punam Yadav
Associate Professor in Humanitarian Studies & Co-Director of the Centre for Gender and Disaster
- Professor Maureen Fordham
Professorial Research Associate, Visiting Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Gender and Disaster
Sabah Boufkhed

Zahra Khan

Monica Ribeiro

Kevin Blanchard

Sangita Limbu

Olivia Walmsley

Nadia Jackson

Celia Ramírez

- Dr Sabah Boufkhed
Lecturer in Global Health, Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester
- Kevin Blanchard
Kevin is an experienced policymaker, trainer and advocate who is focused on helping to ensure the inclusion, visibility and empowerment of marginalised and hyper-marginalised groups in disaster risk reduction (DRR).
Email Kevin at contact@drrdynamics.com or follow him on Twitter/X
- Nadia Jackson
GRRIPP Finance and Due Diligence Manager
- Dr Zahra Khan
Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, UCL Department of Chemistry
- Sangita Thebe Limbu
Doctoral Researcher and Post Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Celia Ramírez
Celia Ramírez Aguirre is a Sociologist of Communication and Education, with a Master's Degree in Management for Sustainable Development from the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro).
- Master's postgraduate thesis: Intervention strategy to promote disaster risk management through capacity development and empowerment of women in Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero CONACYT- UAGro. (2017-2019) http://ri.uagro.mx/handle/uagro/1039 Community Kitchen Program During COVID-19 Pandemic (July 2020) https://www.calameo.com/books/00279056095c0f8020682
- Local and gender-sensitive risk prevention: experience and lessons learned from Acapulco (REDER Magazine Vol. 5, No. 1 2021) http://www.revistareder.com/ojs/index.php/reder/article/view/59
- Informational Handbook: Recognizing Disaster Risk in Your Community (December 03, 2020) https://www.calameo.com/books/0066007365dccd359f71f
- Monica Ribeiro
Lawyer, Professor & researcher at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro /NESEG
Documentary: Lá na Morada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSTN6Ci645I (full movie) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TY2vzkIaCk (subtitled)
Recent publications:
Ribeiro, M.T.S. (2021) Vozes Submersas: Políticas Públicas, desenvolvimento e resistência lá na Morada . Belo Horizonte: Editora Dialética.
Ribeiro, M. T. S; Collares, I. Z.; Calazans, D.R.N de S. et al (2021): The construction of the Três Marias dam and the absence of public policies for the arrival of the waters in the municipality of Morada Nova de Minas in Brazil. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Olivia Walmsley
GRRIPP Global Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator