UCL IRDR Special Seminar on Gender Responsive Resilience - GRR!
14 September 2016
Date: Tuesday 11th October 2016 Time: 6-9pm Location: Gustav Tuck Lecture Theatre, Wilkins Buidling, UCL (Seminar), Wilkins Garden Room (Drinks Reception) The resilience concept is everywhere in the global policy environment.
(Left: Right to livelihood. A woman carrying construction material, Dacope, Khulna, Bangladesh, 28 November 2012. Photo credit: UN Woman/Saikat Mojumder)
This Special Seminar will be given by Professor Maureen Fordham. Maureen Fordham BSc PhD is Professor of Gender and Disaster Resilience. She has been researching disasters since 1988. She has a particular interest in marginalized and, so-called, vulnerable groups in disaster including women and children in particular. She was a founding member of the Gender and Disaster Network in 1997 and is the coordinator of its website (www.gdnonline.org) and activities. She is a frequent participant in gender and disaster policy level meetings within the UN system as well as nationally and internationally. She has edited, and is on the editorial boards of, international disaster-related journals. She is affiliated with University College London Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (Visiting Professor), Durham University and Northumbria University in the UK, and Massey University in New Zealand.
This is event is free to attend but please register via Eventbrite.