Seminar: Honshu (Japan) Earthquake and Tsunami
17 March 2011
There will be an IRDR seminar on the Honshu Earthquake and Tsunami on Wednesday 23rd March from 4.
Date: Wednesday 23rd March from 4.00 to 6.00pm
Reception: 6.00 to 7.30pm
Venue: UCL Malet Place Engineering Lecture Theatre 1.02
- Professor William Shaw, Chair, Mathematics and Computation of Risk, UCL
- Professor John McCloskey, University of Ulster
- Professor Dave Tappin, British Geological Survey
- Dr Simon Day, Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Centre
- Craig Libberton, Sellafield Ltd.
- Professor Virginia Murray, Head of Extreme Events, Health Protection Agency
- Professor Riki Honda, University of Tokyo
Further details will be released on Monday, and those wishing to attend, please email the IRDR Administrator, Lucy Stanbrough (, so we may gauge numbers. We are also looking to produce and upload a podcast of the meeting for those unable to attend.