I got 99 problems and I’m trying to solve one. What’s GENDER got to do with it?
27 September 2022, 2:00 pm–6:00 pm

Join us for a special induction event where we will discuss a very relevant, heated and charged topic now: gender, and everything that comes with it. Are you sick of hearing about it? Do you not hear it enough? Do you not care at all? Come along and express your thoughts.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Zahra Khan
Room 2.18Chadwick BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
The IRDR teams up with WOMENWAI and UCLWES to deliver a workshop based on today’s problems and you provide the solutions. Meet new individuals from all backgrounds to debate interesting issues and make an action plan for one of the many challenges the world faces today. We will end with a social, to network, meet everyone in a more casual setting and have some drinks and nibbles. We look forward to welcoming you then!
This event is open and free to all, regardless of field of study, and attendance is encouraged to those who have both strong opinions and are indifferent on the subject matter of gender equality.
About us:
- GRRIPP (Gender Responsive Resilience and Intersectionality in Policy and Practice) aims to bring diverse local actors and their experiences to the table. With core project partners based in LAC, Southern Africa, South Asia and the UK, their network will collectively and democratically determine an agenda for change.
- UCL Women’s Engineering Society (UCLWES) is a student-led society that is open to all regardless of gender with the collective aim of working in support of women in engineering. Our main objective is developing a long-lasting community and creating opportunities for our members through our events.
- WOMENVAI is a unique NGO founded by Women and Men Engineers and Scientists offering a projects platform in high tech solutions for climate change adaptation and tools for Equality and Diversity Education, and women and girls’ empowerment initiatives, fully aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.