
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


UCL Humanitarian Institute Masterclass: Earth Observation and Natural Hazards

20 February 2020, 10:00 am–4:00 pm

View of earth from space

Join our one-day Masterclass on Earth Observation (EO) technology and its application to monitor and mitigate natural hazards and reduce disaster risks led by experts from the University of Kashmir and UCL.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Akhtar Alam – UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction


UCL Bloomsbury Campus: Malet Place Engineering Building Room 1.20 and DMS Watson Library G15 Public Cluster
Gower Street,
United Kingdom

This one-day Masterclass in Earth Observation and Natural Hazards addresses the Earth Observation technology that has been instrumental in transforming our understanding about diverse processes including a wide range of natural hazards. The technology provides an indispensable tool for the prevention and mitigation of losses to life, livelihood and critical infrastructure from natural hazards.

The Masterclass will cover:

1) Discussions and proactive sessions on the complementary use of EO satellite data and GIS for disaster risk assessment

2) Focus on cyclones and landslides as examples

3) Cover issues concerning the availability and selection of the data, methodology, uncertainties and limitations

4) Validation of the results in the disaster risk assessment

5) The afternoon session will be lab-based using GIS on PCs

Presenters are experts and practitioners from the University of Kashmir and the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction. They have broad expertise of hazard risks in Asia.

Masterclass producer:

Aktar Alam, is a researcher in the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction and previously Assistant Professor in the University of Kashmir. His core interest is spatial science, exploring earth surface processes and interplay of natural and social environment.

This event is free. Spaces are strictly limited to 40 because of cluster room size. If you can no longer attend after booking you must cancel.

You should have some previous GIS experience to take part in the afternoon session.

Travel bursaries are available for early career researchers that book on to both this event and the Evening Conference on 19 February. Email IRDR-Comms@ucl.ac.uk for more information.

Humanitarian Institute Masterclasses in International Development

Humanitarian Institute Masterclasses are an initiative opening up opportunities for UCL students, staff and interested members of the public, to understand global humanitarian challenges, build international networks and develop new transferrable skills. The masterclasses are led by experts and practitioners from across UCL and our international collaborators.

Produced by the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction. For further information on Humanitarian Institute Masterclasses in contact: IRDR-comms@ucl.ac.uk