Research Publications Preprints
2024 Beyond the meso-/macroporous boundary: extending capillary condensation-based pore size characterization in thin films through tailored adsorptives - M. Füredi, C. Vicente Manzano, A. Marton, B. Fodor, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, S. Guldin,⋆ Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 15, pp. 1420 – 1427, 2024.A new class of porous silicon electrochemical transducers built from pyrolyzed polyfurfuryl alcohol - A.A. Rajendran, K. Guo, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, T.R. Gengenbach, M.B. Velasco, M.J. Fornerod, K. Shafique, M. Furedi, P. Formentin, H. Haji-Hashemi, S. Guldin, N.H. Voelcker, X. Cetó, B. Prieto-Simón, vol. 21, art. no. 100464, 2024.Electrochemical sensing of cortisol: a review - A.N. Naeem, S. Guldin, and S.S. Ghor- eishizadeh, IEEE Sensors, vol. 24, pp. 5746 – 5758, 2024.2023 Glucose oxidase loading in ordered porous aluminosilicates: exploring the potential of surface modification for electrochemical glucose sensing - M.J. Fornerod, A. Alvarez- Fernandez, M. Michalska, I. Papakonstantinou, S. Guldin,⋆ Chemistry of Materials, vol. 35, pp. 7577 – 7587, 2023.Opportunities for isoporous membranes in the manufacture of genomic medicines - K. Meng, T.F. Johnson, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, S. Guldin, D.G. Bracewell, Journal of Membrane Science Letters, vol. 3, art. no. 100052, 2023.Water-induced separation of polymers from high nanoparticle-content nanocomposite films - B.Q. Kim, M. Füredi, R.B. Venkatesh, S. Guldin, Daeyeon Lee, Small, vol. 19, art. no. 2302676, 2023.Thin film composite membranes with regulated crossover and water migration for long-life aqueous redox flow batteries - R. Tan, A. Wang, C. Ye, J. Li, D. Liu, B. Primera Darwich, L. Petit, Z. Fan, T. Wong, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, M. Furedi, S. Guldin, C.E. Breakwell, P.A.A. Klusener, A.R. Kucernak, K.E. Jelfs, N.B. McKeown, Q. Song, Advanced Science, vol. 10, art. no. 2206888, 2023.Liquid crystal-templated porous microparticles via photopolymerisation of temperature-induced droplets in a binary liquid mixture - M. Patel, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, M. Jara Fornerod, A.P.N. Radhakrishnan, A. Taylor, S.T. Chua, S. Vignolini, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, A. Iles, S. Guldin, ACS Omega, vol. 8, pp. 20404 -- 20411, 2023.Reversible microscale assembly of nanoparticles driven by the phase transition of a thermotropic liquid crystal - N. Mac Fhionnlaoich, S. Schrettl, N.B. Tito, Y. Yang, M. Nair, L.A. Serrano, K. Harkness, P.C. Silva, H. Frauenrath, F. Serra, W.C. Carter, F. Stellacci, S. Guldin, ACS Nano, ACS Nano, vol. 17, pp. 9906 -- 9918, 2023.Tailoring the surface chemistry of PEDOT:PSS to promote supported lipid bilayer formation - K. Kallitsis, A.-M. Papa, Z. Lu, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, I. Charalambous, S. Schack, W.C. Traberg, Q. Thiburce, K. Bali, G. Christie, S. Guldin, S. Daniel, A. Salleod, R.M. Owens, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, vol. 308, art. no. 2300038, 2023.Amplified EQCM-D detection of extracellular vesicles using 2D gold nanostructure arrays fabricated by block copolymer self-assembly - J. Suthar, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, E. Osarfo-Mensah, S. Angioletti-Uberti, G.R. Williams, S. Guldin, Nanoscale Horizons, vol. 8, pp. 460 – 472, 2023.On the rational design of mesoporous silica humidity sensors - M. Füredi, A. Alvarez- Fernandez, M.J. Fornerod, B. Fodor, S. Guldin, Advanced Sensor Research, vol. 2, art. no. 2200077, 2023.Internal wettability investigation of mesoporous silica materials by ellipsometric porosimetry - M. Füredi, B. Fodor, A. Marton, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, A.A. Riaz, C. Kalha, A. Regoutz, S. Guldin, P. Basa, Thin Solid Films, vol. 768, art. no. 139683, 2023.Li-ion-selective microporous polymer membranes with hydrogen-bond and salt-bridge networks for aqueous organic redox flow batteries - A. Wang, R. Tan, D. Liu, J. Lu, X. Wei, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, C. Ye, S. Guldin, A.R. Kucernak, K.E. Jelfs, N.P. Brandon, N.B. McKeown and Q. Song, Advanced Materials, vol. 35, art. no. 2210098, 2023.Long-term phase separation dynamics in liquid crystal-enriched microdroplets obtained from binary fluid mixtures - M. Patel, S. Shimizu, M. Bates, A. Fernandez-Nieves, S. Guldin, Soft Matter, vol. 19, pp. 1017 – 1024, 2023Recent developments in biosensing methods for extracellular vesicle protein characterization - J. Suthar, M. Taub, R.P. Carney, G.R. Williams, S. Guldin, WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, vol. 15, art. no. e1839, 2023.2022 Enhanced structural control of soft-templated mesoporous inorganic thin films by inert processing conditions - M. Jara Fornerod, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, M. Skoda, B. Prieto-Simon, N.H. Voelcker, M.-O. Coppens, S. Guldin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , vol. 14, pp. 56143 – 56155, 2022. Enhanced mechanical stability and scratch resistance of mesoporous aluminosilicate thin films - B. Reid, I. Mane, F. Ahmed, M.J. For nerod, M. F redi, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, S. Guldin, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, vol. 345, art. no. 112246, 2022.Quantifying the solution structure of metal nanoclusters using small-angle neutron scattering - X. Liu, H. Yang, Y. Chen, Y. Yang, L. Porcar, A. Radulescu, S. Guldin, R. Jin, F. Stellacci, Z. Luo, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., vol. 61, art. no. e202209751, 2022.Silica inverse opal nanostructured sensors for enhanced immunodetection of extracellular vesicles by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring - J. Suthar, A. Alvarez- Fernandez, G.R. Williams, S. Guldin, ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 5, pp. 12951 – 12961, 2022.Long-life aqueous organic redox flow batteries enabled by amidoxime-functionalized ionselective polymer membranes - C. Ye, R. Tan, A. Wang, J. Chen, B. Comesaña-Gándara, C. Breakwell, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, Z. Fan, J. Weng, G. Bezzu, S. Guldin, N. Brandon, A. Kucernak, K.E. Jelfs, N.B. McKeown, Q. Song, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., vol. 61, art. no. e202207580, 2022.Design and morphological investigation of high-χ catechol-containing styrenic block copolymers - G. Pino, C. Cummins, D. Mantone, N. Demazy, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, S. Guldin, G. Fleury, G. Hadziioannou, E. Cloutet, C. Brochon, Macromolecules, vol. 55, pp. 6341 – 6350, 2022.Faster intercalation pseudocapacitance enabled by adjustable amorphous titania where tunable isomorphic architectures reveal accelerated lithium diffusivity - W. van den Bergh, T. Larison, M.J. Fornerod, S. Guldin, M. Stefik. Batteries & Supercaps, vol. 7, art. no. e202200122, 2022.Controlled synthesis of SPION@SiO2 nanoparticles using design of experiments - C. Harman, N. Mac Fhionnlaoich, A. King, J. Manning, W. Lin, P. Scholes, S. Guldin, G.-L. Davies, RSC Materials Advances, vol. 3, pp. 6007 – 6018, 2022.Solvent vapor annealing for controlled pore expansion of block copolymer-assembled inorganic mesoporous films - A. Alvarez-Fernandez, M. Jara Fornerod, B. Reid, S. Guldin, Langmuir, vol. 14, pp. 13147 - 13157, 20Controlled porosity in ferroelectric BaTiO3 photoanodes - A. Augurio, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, V. Panchal, S. Guldin, J. Briscoe, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 14, pp. 13147 - 13157, 2022. 2022.Dual-mode and label-free detection of exosomes from plasma using an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring - J. Suthar, B. Prieto-Simon, G.R. Williams, S. Guldin, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 94, pp. 2465 – 2475, 2022.2021 Interparticle forces of a native and encapsulated metal-organic framework and their effects on colloidal dispersion - E.L. Butler, B. Reid, P.F. Luckham, S. Guldin, A.G. Livingston, C. Petit, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 13, pp. 45898 - 45906, 2021.Fluorinated metal-organic coatings with selective wettability - S. Pan, J.J. Richardson, A.J. Christofferson, Q.A. Besford, T. Zheng, B.J. Wood, X. Duan, M.J. Fornerod, C.F. McConville, I. Yarovsky, S. Guldin, L. Jian, F. Caruso, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 143, pp. 9972 - 9981, 2021.Supramolecular packing of alkyl substituted Janus face all-cis 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorocyclohexyl motifs - J.L. Clark, A. Taylor, A. Geddis, R.N. Neyyappadatha, B.A. Piscelli, C. Yu, A.M.Z. Slawin, R.A. Cormanich, S. Guldin, D. O’Hagan, Chemical Science, vol. 12, pp. 9712 - 9719, 2021.Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of nickel oxide using the novel nickel dialkylaminoalkoxide precursor [Ni(dmamp’)2] (dmamp’ = 2-dimethylamino-2-methyl-1-propanolate - R. Wilson, T. MacDonald, S. Xu, A. Taylor, C.E. Knapp, S. Guldin, M. McLachlan, C. Carmalt, C. Blackman, RSC Advances, vol. 11, pp. 22199 – 222057, 2021.Block copolymer directed metamaterials and metasurfaces for novel optical devices - A. Alvarez-Fernandez, C. Cummins, M. Saba, U. Steiner, G. Fleury, V. Ponsinet, S. Guldin, Advanced Optical Materials, art no. 2100175 2021.Refractive indices of MBE-grown AlxGa1−xAs ternary alloys in the transparent wavelength region - K. Papatryfonos, T. Angelova, A. Brimont, B. Reid, S. Guldin, P.R. Smith, M. Tang, K. Li, A.J. Seeds, H. Liu, D.R. Selviah, AIP Advances, vol. 11, art no. 025327, 2021.Temperature-induced liquid crystal microdroplet formation in a partially miscible liquid mixture - M. Patel, A.P.N. Radhakrishnan, L. Bescher, E. Hunter-Sellars, B. Schmidt- Hansberg, E. Amstad, S. Ibsen, S. Guldin, Soft Matter , vol. 17, pp. 947 – 954, 2021.Nanostructure dependence of T-Nb2O5 intercalation pseudocapacitance probed using tunable isomorphic architectures - W. van den Bergh, H. Lokupitiya, N.A. Vest, B. Reid, S. Guldin, M. Stefik, Accepted in Advanced Functional Materials , vol. 31, art no. 2007826, 2021.2020 Fractionation of polydisperse block copolymers for pore size control and reduced dispersity in mesoporous inorganic coatings - A. Alvarez-Fernandez, B. Reid, J. Suthar, S. Choy, L.A. Serrano, M.J. Fornerod, N. Mac Fhionnlaoich, L. Yang, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, S. Guldin, Nanoscale , vol. 12, pp. 18455 – 18462, 2020.Synthetic guidelines for the precision engineering of gold nanoparticles - J.W. Trzcinski, L. Panariello, M.O. Besenhard, Y. Yang, A. Gavriilidis, S. Guldin, Current Opinions in Chemical Engineering , vol. 29, pp. 59 – 66, 2020.Comparative characterisation of non-monodisperse gold nanoparticle populations by X-ray scattering and electron microscopy - Y. Yang, S. Liao, Z. Luo, R. Qi, N. MacFhionnlaoich, F. Stellacci, S. Guldin, Nanoscale , vol. 12, pp. 12007 – 12013, 2020.Humidity tolerant ultra-thin NiO gas sensing films - R. Wilson, C. Simion, A. Stanoiu, A. Taylor, S. Guldin, J. Covington, C. Carmalt, C. Blackman, ACS Sensors , vol. 5, pp. 1389 – 1397, 2020.Information entropy as a reliable measure of nanoparticle dispersity - N. MacFhionnlaoich, S. Guldin, Chemistry of Materials , vol. 32, pp. 3701 – 3706, 2020.High-performance planar thin film thermochromic window via dynamic optical impedance matching - C. Sol, M. Portnoi, T. Li, K. Gurunatha, K. Laxminarayana, J. Schlaefer, S. Guldin, I.P. Parkin, I. Papakonstantinou, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , vol. 12, pp. 8140 – 8145, 2020.Acoustic immunosensing of exosomes using a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring - J. Suthar, E. Parsons, B. Hoogenboom, G. Williams, S. Guldin, Analytical Chemistry , vol. 92, pp. 4082 – 4093, 2020.Structural characterization of mesoporous thin film architectures: a tutorial overview - A. Alvarez-Fernandez, B. Reid, M. J. Fornerod, A. Taylor, G. Divitini, S. Guldin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , vol. 12, pp. 5195 – 5208, 2020.All-silicone-based distributed bragg reflectors for efficient flexible luminescent solar concentrators - M. Portnoi, T.J. Macdonald, C. Sol, T.S. Robbins, T. Li, J. Schlaefer, S. Guldin, I.P. Parkin, I. Papakonstantinou, Nano Energy , vol. 70, art no. 104507, 2020.Microfluidics of binary liquid mixtures with temperature-dependent miscibility - M. J. Fornerod, E. Amstad, S. Guldin, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering , vol. 5, pp. 358 – 365, 2020.2019 Application of the Spatial Distribution Function to colloidal ordering - N. MacFhionnlaoich, R. Qi, S. Guldin, Langmuir , vol. 35, pp. 16605 – 16611, 2019.Tuning pore dimensions of mesoporous inorganic films by homopolymer swelling - B. Reid, A. Alvarez-Fernandez, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, S. Guldin, Langmuir , vol. 35, pp. 14074 – 14082, 2019.Multi-dimensional characterization of mixed ligand nanoparticles using small angle neutron scattering - Z. Luo, Y. Yang, A. Radulescu, J. Kohlbrecher, T.A. Darwish, Q.K. Ong, S. Guldin, F. Stellacci, Chemistry of Materials , vol. 31, pp. 6750 – 6758, 2019.Probing the interaction of nanoparticles with small molecules in real time via quartz crystal microbalance monitoring - Y. Yang, G. Poss, N. Nianias, Y. Weng, R. Qi, H. Zheng, E. Kay, S. Guldin, Nanoscale , vol. 11, pp. 11107 – 11113, 2019.Optimising Light Source Positioning for Even and Flux-Efficient Illumination - N. Mac Fhionnlaoich, A. Taylor, S. Guldin, Journal of Open Source Software , vol. 4, 37, 2019.Use of a New Non-Pyrophoric Liquid Aluminum Precursor for Atomic Layer Deposition - X. Xia, A. Taylor, Y. Zhao, S. Guldin, C. Blackman, Materials , 2019, vol. 12, 1429, 2019.Photocatalytic template removal by non-ozone generating UV radiation for the fabrication of well defined mesoporous inorganic coatings. - B. Reid, A. Taylor, A. Alvarez- Fernandez, M.H. Ismael, S. Sharma, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, S. Guldin, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces , vol. 11, pp. 19308 – 19314, 2019.Recent Developments in Pickering Emulsions for Biomedical Applications - C.L.G. Harman, M.A. Patel, S. Guldin, G.L. Davies, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science vol. 39, pp. 173 – 189, 2019.2018 A Toolkit to Quantify Target Compounds in Thin-Layer-Chromatography Experiments - S. Ibsen, N. Mac Fhionnlaoich, L.A. Serrano, A. Taylor, R. Qi, S. Guldin, Journal of Chemical Education , vol. 95, pp. 2191 – 2196, 2018.A Versatile AuNP Synthetic Platform for Decoupled Control of Size and Surface Composition - Y. Yang, L.A. Serrano, S. Guldin, Langmuir , vol. 24, pp. 6820 – 6826, 2018.Phase behaviour and applications of a binary liquid mixture of methanol and a thermotropic liquid crystal - L.A. Serrano, M.J. Fornerod, Y. Yang, S. Gaisford, F. Stellacci, S. Guldin, Soft Matter , vol. 14, pp. 4615 – 4620, 2018.Robust Operation of Mesoporous Antireflective Coatings under Variable Ambient Conditions - B. Reid, A. Taylor, Y. Chen, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, S. Guldin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , vol. 10, pp. 10315 – 10321, 2018.pH-Mediated molecular differentiation for fluorimetric quantification of chemotherapeutic drugs in human plasma - L.A. Serrano, Y. Yang, E. Salvati, F. Stellacci, S. Krol, S. Guldin, Chemical Communications , vol. 54, pp. 1485 – 1488, 2018.2016 Freestanding Ultrathin Nanoparticle Membranes Assembled at Transient Liquid-Liquid Interfaces - B. Le Ouay, S. Guldin, Z. Luo, S. Allegri, F. Stellacci, Advanced Materials Interfaces , vol. 3, art no. 1600191, 2016.Ordered Mesoporous to Macroporous Oxides with Tunable Isomorphic Architectures: Solution Criteria for Persistent Micelle Templates - H.N. Lokupitiya, A. Jones, B. Reid, S. Guldin, M. Stefik, Chemistry of Materials , vol. 28, pp. 1653 – 1667, 2016.2015 Ordered mesoporous titania from highly amphiphilic block copolymers: tuned solution conditions enable highly ordered morphologies and ultra-large mesopores - M. Stefik, J. Song, H. Sai, S. Guldin, P. Boldrighini, M.C. Orilall, U. Steiner, Sol M. Gruner, U. Wiesner, Journal of Materials Chemistry , vol. 3, pp. 11478 – 11492, 2015.Block copolymer self-assembly for nanophotonics - M. Stefik, S. Guldin, S. Vignolini, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, Chemical Society Reviews , vol. 44, pp. 5076 – 5091, 2015. Controlling the coassembly of highly amphiphilic block copolymers with a hydrolytic sol by solvent exchange - S. Guldin, M. Stefik, H. Sai, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, RSC Advances , vol. 5, pp. 22499-22502, 2015. 2014 High-Surface-Area Porous Platinum Electrodes for Enhanced Charge Transfer - Y. Hu, A. Yella, S. Guldin, M. Schreier, F. Stellacci, M. Grätzel, M. Stefik, Advanced Energy Materials , vol. 4, art no. 1400510, 2014.Lessons Learned: From Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells to All-Solid-State Hybrid Devices - P. Docampo, S. Guldin, T. Leijtens, N.K. Noel, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Advanced Materials , vol. 24, pp. 4013-4030, 2014.Gyroid-Structured 3D ZnO Networks Made by Atomic Layer Deposition - E. Kim, Y. Vaynzof, A. Sepe, S. Guldin, M. Scherer, P.S. Cunha, S.V. Roth, U. Steiner, Advanced Functional Materials , vol. 24, pp. 863 – 872, 2014.2013 Self-Cleaning Antireflective Optical Coatings - S. Guldin, P. Kohn, M. Stefik, J. Song, G. Divitini, C. Ducati, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, Nano Letters , vol. 13, pp. 5329 – 5335, 2013.Low temperature crystallisation of mesoporous TiO2 - P. Kohn, S. Pathak, M. Stefik, C. Ducati, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, S. Guldin, Nanoscale , vol. 5, pp. 10518 – 10524, 2013.Charge Transport Limitations in Self-Assembled TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells - P. Docampo, S. Guldin, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , vol. 4, pp. 698 – 703, 2013.2012 Pore Filling of Spiro-OMeTAD in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Determined Via Optical Reflectometry - P. Docampo, A. Hey, S. Guldin, R. Gunning, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Advanced Functional Materials , vol. 22, pp. 5010 – 5019, 2012.Biomimetic layer-by-layer assembly of artificial nacre - A. Finnemore, P.S. Cunha, T. Shean, S. Vignolini, S. Guldin, M. Oyen, U. Steiner, Nature Communications , vol. 3, art no. 966, 2012.Triblock-Terpolymer-Directed Self-Assembly of Mesoporous TiO2: High-Performance Photoanodes for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells - P. Docampo, M. Stefik, S. Guldin, N.A. Yufa, R. Gunning, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Advanced Energy Materials , vol. 2, pp. 676 – 682, 2012.A 3D Optical Metamaterial Made by Self-Assembly - S. Vignolini, N.A. Yufa, P.S. Cunha, S. Guldin, I. Rushkin, M. Stefik, K. Hur, U. Wiesner, J.J. Baumberg, U. Steiner, Advanced Materials , vol. 24, pp. OP23 – OP27, 2012.Layer-by-Layer Formation of Block-Copolymer-Derived TiO2 for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells - S. Guldin, P. Docampo, M. Stefik, G. Kamita, U. Wiesner, H.J. Snaith, U. Steiner, Small , vol. 8, pp. 432 – 440, 2012.2011 Tunable Mesoporous Bragg Reflectors Based on Block-Copolymer Self-Assembly - S. Guldin, M. Kolle, M. Stefik, R. Langford, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, Advanced Materials , vol. 23, no. 32, pp. 3664 – 3668, 2011.Improved conductivity in dye-sensitised solar cells through block-copolymer confined TiO2 crystallisation - S. Guldin, S. Hüttner, P. Tiwana, M.C. Orilall, B. uÜlgüt, M. Stefik, P. Docampo, M. Kolle, G. Divitini, C. Ducati, S.A.T. Redfern, H.J. Snaith, U. Wiesner, D. Eder, U. Steiner, Energy and Environmental Science , vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 225 – 233, 2011.2010 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Based on a Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal - S. Guldin, S. Hüttner, M. Kolle, M. Welland, P. Müller-Buschbaum, R. Friend, U. Steiner, N. Tetreault, Nano Letters, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 2303 – 2309, 2010.Control of Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance by Block-Copolymer-Directed TiO2 Synthesis - P. Docampo, S. Guldin, M. Stefik, P. Tiwana, M.C. Orilall, S. Hüttner, H. Sai, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 11, no. 20, pp. 1787 – 1796, 2010.Monolithic route to efficient dye-sensitized solar cells employing diblock copolymers for mesoporous TiO2 - M. Nedelcu, S. Guldin, M.C. Orilall, J. Lee, S. Hüttner, E.J.W. Crossland, S.C. Warren, C. Ducati, P.R. Laity, D. Eder, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 20, pp. 1261 – 1268, 2010.2009 Block copolymer directed synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 for dye-sensitized solar cells - M. Nedelcu, J. Lee, E.J.W. Crossland , S.C. Warren, M.C. Orilall, S. Guldin, S. Hüttner, C. Ducati, D. Eder, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, H.J. Snaith, Soft Matter , vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 134 – 139, 2009.Conference Proceedings Extended DLVO interactions of a metal-organic framework: Implications on colloidal dispersion - E. Butler, B. Reid, C. Petit, P. Luckham, A. Livingston, S. Guldin, 256th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond, vol. 256, no. 241, 2018.A combined experimental and theoretical study into the performance of vanadium dioxide nanoparticles for energy saving applications - C. Sol, J. Schläfer, T. Li, S. Guldin, I.P. Parkin, I. Papakonstantinou, Proc. SPIE 10688, Photonics for Solar Energy Systems VII, DOI: 10.1117/12.2306958, 2018.Soft matter design principles for inorganic photonic nanoarchitectures in photovoltaics, colorimetric sensing, and self-cleaning antireflective coatings - S. Guldin, U. Steiner, Proc. SPIE 9083, Micro- and Nanotech. Sensors, Systems, and Applications VI, DOI: 10.1117/12.2050011, 2014.Mesoporous Bragg reflectors - block-copolymer self-assembly leads to building blocks with well defined continuous pores and high control over optical properties , S. Guldin, M. Kolle, M. Stefik, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 8095, DOI: 10.1117/12.893818, 2011.Self-assembly as a design tool for the integration of photonic structures into excitonic solar cells , S. Guldin, P. Docampo, S. Hüttner, P.Kohn, M. Stefik, H.J. Snaith, U. Wiesner, U. Steiner, Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 8111, DOI: 10.1117/12.893798, 2011.Using Nanocavity Plasmons to Improve Solar Cell Efficiency , B. Soares, S. Mahajan, A. Campbell, N. Greenham, S. Guldin, S. Huettner, U. Steiner, J.J. Baumberg, ICTON’09, 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, DOI: 10.1109/ICTON.20- 09.5185196, 2009.Books & Book Chapters Patents