
UCL Research Domains


Use your skills to help patients with COVID19

Calling data scientists, mathematical modellers and more to help doctors care for critically ill patients with COVID19

We are looking for researchers to help us analyse ICU time series data from COVID19 patient vital signs to help understand the course of disease better in critically ill patients and help the clinical teams caring for these patients. 

 In particular we are hoping to find researchers with experience of advanced data science or mathematical modelling. If you have experience of clinical data sets and / or time series analysis, even better! 

Please read the one page description (below) of the project and what we are hoping to do  –  if you are interested in helping please fill out this expression of interest form as soon as possible (preferably by noon Friday 20th March) 

Depending on level of response, we might not be able to accept all help offered but we will nonetheless be very grateful for the offers. We are hoping to be able to find funding to buy out the time of some post-doctoral researchers and PhD students – please see the attached document for details.