
UCL Research Domains


Evolutionary Microbiology

The study of the patterns (relationships between genes and organisms) and mechanisms of evolution in microbes; includes expertise in genomics techniques as applied to microbes and viruses

John Allen
Visiting Professor
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentj.f.allen@ucl.ac.uk
Jürg Bähler
Chair in Molecular Systems Biology
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentj.bahler@ucl.ac.uk
Francois Balloux
Professor in Computational Biology Systems Biology
UCL Genetics Institute (GEE)f.balloux@ucl.ac.uk
Paul Bown
Professor of Micropalaeontology
Earth Sciencesp.bown@ucl.ac.uk
Judith Breuer
Professor of Virology (Honorary Consultant)
Division of Infection & Immunityj.breuer@ucl.ac.uk
Hernán A. Burbano
Associate Professor of Ancient Plant Genomics
Genetics, Evolution & Environmenth.burbano@ucl.ac.uk
Lucy van Dorp
Senior Research Fellow
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentlucy.dorp.12@ucl.ac.uk
Richard Goldstein
Chair of Pathogen Evolution
Infection & Immunityr.goldstein@ucl.ac.uk
Duncan Greig
Associate Professor in Genetics
Genetics, Environment & Evolutiond.greig@ucl.ac.uk
Nick Lane
Professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry
Genetics, Environment & Evolutionnick.lane@ucl.ac.uk
Gemma Murray
Senior Research Fellow
Genetics, Environment & Evolutiongemma.gr.murray@ucl.ac.uk
Christine Orengo
Professor of Bioinformatics
Structural & Molecular Biologyc.orengo@ucl.ac.uk
Chris Thompson
Professor of Evolutionary and Developmental Genetics
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentchristopher.thompson@ucl.ac.uk
Robin Weiss
Emeritus Professor of Viral Oncology
Infection & Immunityr.weiss@ucl.ac.uk
Finn Werner
Professor of Molecular Biophysics
Structural & Molecular Biologyf.werner@ucl.ac.uk