UCL’s internal demand management process: guidance and Expression of Interest form
1. UCL’s Internal demand management process
- Only those PIs with Expressions of Interest selected by the panel will be able to submit their outline proposals to the ESRC
- Deadline for submission of Expression of Interests: 10am, Tuesday, 30 June 2020
2. Maximum number of outline proposals UCL can submit
There is a limit on how many outline proposals UCL can submit to the “open call”. UCL is also expected to limit the number of outline proposals submitted to the “highlight notice” area of 'Population Change' for which reason Expressions of Interests for Research Centres in the area of 'Population Change' must be submitted as part of the demand management process.
3. Exempted UCL ESRC Centres
The Centres listed below will be entitled to apply to this competition without inclusion in the demand management figure and do not need to go through the UCL demand management process:
- DCAL - Deafness, Cognition and Language
- CeMMAP - Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice
- LLAKES - Centre for Research on Learning and Life Chances
- International Centre for Life-Course Studies in Society and Health
- Collecting New Time Use Resources (CNTUR) / Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR)
- Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC)
The eligibility of these Centres has been determined according to the ESRC’s Centres policy.
4. Competition will be intense. Prospective Principal Investigators must:
- be experienced researchers with strong track records of managing complex research projects and teams
- have a primary research area that falls within the social sciences. Please refer to the list of research areas that fall within the ESRC’s remit for further information
- be able to allocate an appropriate FTE commitment to leading their proposed research centre
- inform their Head of Department and/or Dean (as appropriate according to the faculty’s decision making processes) about their plans
5. Statement of support from the Principal Investigator’s Head of Dept. or Dean
Principal Investigators must obtain a statement (maximum of 200 words) from their Head of Dept./Dean that explains why the proposed Research Centre is strategically important for the department, faculty and UCL. The Principal Investigator can ‘cut and paste’ this statement from the Head of Dept., /Dean into the relevant box in the EOI form
6. Added value of the proposed Research Centre to the current portfolio of ESRC Centres
Principal Investigators must detail (maximum of 250 words) the added value of the proposed Research Centre to the current portfolio of ESRC Centres
7. Investigator CVs
The Principal Investigator will need to prepare a copy of their CV and the CVs of up to a maximum of four key Co-Investigators for the purposes of this Expression of Interest (EOI). You will be able to add more Co-Investigators if your EOI is selected to be submitted to the ESRC
8. CV guidance
The CV of each Investigator must be:
- A maximum of 2 pages long in Arial 11 (not Arial Narrow)
The CVs must include the following:
- Full name
- Employment history (including current position)
- Key publications (max 15)
- Recently competitively won grants & awards. Please include the role, i.e. whether the person was a Principal Investigator or a Co-Investigator, funding body, funding scheme/call, amount, title of project and the start and end dates
9. If you have any questions about the internal demand management process please contact: Michael Reade, Strategic Coordinator, UCL Collaborative Social Science Domain (m.reade@ucl.ac.uk)