10am – 12:30pm, Friday, 17 June 2022
Seminar Room 20, First Floor, Institute of Advanced Studies, South Wing (off South Cloisters, Wilkins Building, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
At UCL’s Collaborative Social Science Domain’s Inaugural Lecture (16 June) by Professor Vineeta Sinha will discuss decolonization, its theoretical underpinnings and its critique.
A succeeding masterclass also led by Professor Sinha will focus on praxis, skills development, methodology and techniques. In addition to other related topics, participants will engage with:
- tools that foreground ethics in collaboration;
- illustrations of how to enact inter- and transdisciplinary commitments in the face of instrumental rationality;
- and, approaches to resisting the pragmatisms and existing path dependencies of the neoliberal university.
The masterclass will be interactive so please bring along your own ideas of how you use or envision to use these ideas in your research.
Please note:
- Only 20 places are available so please book early
About Professor Vineeta Sinha
Professor Vineeta Sinha (Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore) obtained her MSocSci from NUS and her MA and PhD in Anthropology from Johns Hopkins University. Her research and teaching interests include the following areas: Hindu religiosity in the Diaspora; religion-state encounters; religion, commodification and consumption practices; history and practice of sociology; critique of concepts and categories in the social sciences; rethinking the teaching of classical sociological theory. She has published articles in a range of peer-reviewed journals and the following monographs: A New God in the Diaspora? Muneeswaran Worship in Contemporary Singapore (Singapore University Press & Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2005); Religion and Commodification: Merchandising Diasporic Hinduism (Routledge, 2010); Religion-State Encounters in Hindu Domains: From the Straits Settlements to Singapore (Springer, 2011). She is Vice-President (Publications) of the International Sociological Association (from 2014-2018) and co-editor of the Asian Journal of Social Science (Brill), the Monograph Series, Social Sciences in Asia (Brill) and the Routledge International Library of Sociology.