A selection of external resources from funders, publishers and more to support researchers with grant applications.
- Research Funding Toolkit
- How to write a Wellcome grant application (Wellcome)
- How to write a good research grant proposal (UKRI ESRC)
- 12 tips for writing a grant application (UKRI MRC)
- Grant proposals (or Give me the money!) (University of North Carolina)
- How to write a successful grant application (gov.uk)
- Quest for the holy grant (Nature)
- How to plan a successful grant application (Nature)
- Funding: got to get a grant (Nature)
- Research funding: 10 tips for writing a successful application (The Guardian)
- How to win a research grant (Times Higher Education)
- Turning an idea into a grant (Science Direct)
- Research funding toolkit: Successful grant writing (UCU)
- Research funding toolkit: How to write a good research grant application (UCU)
- Research Design Service London (NIHR)
- Start your application: application tips (Academy of Medical Sciences)