Given the competing demands on education budgets, literacy interventions need to be cost-effective.
Given the competing demands on education budgets, literacy interventions need to be cost-effective. No analysis has compared the different types of implementation for interventions (for example, small-group instruction with one-to-one instruction). In Reading Recovery, the long-term benefits of literacy achievement may significantly outweigh the short-term cost of instruction and teacher preparation. By intervening early, Reading Recovery reduces later costs in special education, later catch-up programmes, and has lasting effects. The local cost of providing Reading Recovery services for 12 to 20 weeks will be substantially less than the future costs of meeting the needs of large number of pupils who cannot access the curriculum.
Pro Bono Economics (2018), ‘Assessing the impact of the Reading Recovery programme. An economic evaluation’.
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The Long Term Costs of Literacy Difficulties (PDF), 2nd edition. (2009, January). Every Child A Chance Trust.
Gómez-Bellengé, F.X. (2007) '2005-06 national data preview: Measuring the impact of Reading Recovery'. The Journal of Reading Recovery, 6 (2), 53-56.
Ashdowne, J. and Hummel-Rossi, B. (2002) 'What is cost-effectiveness analysis?' The Journal of Reading Recovery, 2 (1), 44-46.
Gómez-Bellengé, F.X. (2002) 'Measuring the cost of Reading Recovery: A practical approach'. The Journal of Reading Recovery, 2 (1), 47-54.
Pinnell. G.S. (1997) 'Reading Recovery: A summary of research'. In Flood, J., Heath, S.B. and Lapp, D. (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts (sponsored by the International Reading Association). USA: New York.