
Reading Recovery Europe


After Reading Recovery lessons completed

When Reading Recovery lessons come to an end, your child’s teacher will talk to you about what happens next and about how you can carry on helping your child.

S/he will keep an eye on your child's progress to see how well he/she is coping in their classroom.

Most children who have finished their Reading Recovery lessons continue to make good progress, along with their classmates. They have learnt the skills to learn.

In a few cases, children make progress, but not quite enough for the school to be sure that progress will carry on without individual or group lessons.  If this is your child, the Reading Recovery teacher will talk to you. The school might make arrangements for him/her to have help for longer, or they may arrange for a special assessment.

If you have any worries about the end of your child's Reading Recovery programme do talk to the Reading Recovery teacher and the school.

Find out more about children who have finished their Reading Recovery lessons and gone on to do well from children case studies: