
Reading Recovery Europe


Summer PD for Reading Recovery teacher leaders

12 May 2022–26 May 2022, 9:00 am–4:00 pm

open books and notebooks, taking notes and discussing teaching materials

Regional one-day professional development for Reading Recovery teacher leaders.

Event Information

Open to

Invitation Only


Reading Recovery Europe


  • 12 May 2022,  one day PD for teacher leaders in Ireland, Dublin West Education Centre;
  • 19 May 2022, one day PD for teacher leaders in Malta, venue tbc;
  • 26 May 2022, one day PD for teacher leaders in England and Scotland at the IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H0AL (room 731 and 736);

Theme: ‘Why do all the session elements matter? Exploring decisions about structuring professional development to support teacher learning.’

Image: UCL Imagestore