
UCL Public Policy


Up Close and Policy: the former Chief Scientific Officer at DLUHC

24 January 2024, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Up Close & Policy

Kicking off our Up Close and Policy series 2024, we are delighted to welcoming Professor Alan Penn to discuss his pivotal role as the Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

Event Information

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Alice Tofts

About this seminar

As a distinguished Professor in Architectural and Urban Computing at University College London (UCL), Penn's research is dedicated to unravelling the intricate connections between the design of the built environment and its impact on the social and economic behaviours of both organisations and communities. 

With a wealth of experience consulting across private, public, and third-sector organisations, Penn is uniquely positioned to delve into the effective integration of science and engineering evidence in the policymaking landscape. The event promises an insightful talk followed by an engaging session where the audience will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session. 


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