
UCL Public Policy


Public Policy Engagement Masterclass Series- Part 1: Public Policy 101 (SLMS)

09 July 2020, 12:00 pm–1:30 pm

Public Policy 101

This webinar will cover the foundations of public policy: why engage with policy, who are the policymakers, and how can you increase your impact?

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students






Audrey Tan

UCL Public Policy is pleased to present 'Public Policy 101', part one of a four-part Masterclass Series.

The Public Policy 101 webinar will introduce students and researchers based UCL School of Life and Medicinal Sciences (SLMS) (faculties of Brain Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences and Population Health Sciences) to foundational knowledge of public policy engagement. The webinar will be delivered in a lecture style, including case studies, interactive exercises, and Q&A.

We are offering the live webinar twice to enable more people to join. Please only register for one date.

Attendance at Public Policy 101 or viewing of the recording is a pre-requisite for participation in Part Two: Pathways to Engagement, taking place in September 2020.
Please note: these webinars will be recorded and the recording will be made available on the UCL Public Policy website.

UCL Public Policy is committed to increasing the diversity and inclusivity of its activities. We encourage people from under-represented groups (BAME, LGBTQ+, a mature student, or disabled) to attend.

If you have accessibility requirements, please get in touch with Audrey Tan (audrey.tan@ucl.ac.uk). We will strive to support accessibility needs where possible.