Putting children at the centre of the SDGs
An initiative coordinated by UCL's child health experts Professor Anthony Costello and Dr Sarah Dalglish will ensure the needs of the next generation are at the centre of policies to deliver the SDGs.
20 February 2023
In 2020, forty health experts, led by Prof Anthony Costello and Dr Sarah Dalglish, contributed to a report published by the WHO, UNICEF and the Lancet Medical journal which highlighted the need for a radical rethink on children's health policies. To implement the recommendation to put children at the centre of the policymaking endeavour, in 2021 the team established Children in All Policies by 2030 (CAP-2030), in partnership with WHO, UNICEF and The Lancet. CAP-2030 is building coalitions across countries, from Argentina to Senegal to India and the Pacific Islands, and provides evidence and data for policymakers to take a broad view of what children need to be healthy and well.