
UCL Public Policy


UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science I

The UCL Communicating Climate Science Policy Commission (CCSPC) is an interdisciplinary body comprising experts from academia, policy, environment, business, media and the arts.


10 April 2014

The first UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science (I), chaired by Prof Chris Rapley (UCL Earth Sciences), comprised a cross-disciplinary project group of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, science and technology studies, earth sciences and energy research - examined the challenges faced in communicating climate science effectively to policymakers and the public, and the role of climate scientists in communication.  

Project information  

Funding Source: UCL Public Policy
Year: October 2012 to April 2014



  • Chris Rapley CBE (Chair) – Professor of Climate Science, UCL Earth Sciences 


  • Dr Chris Brierley, UCL Geography 
  • Dr James Carney, Social & Evolutionary Neuroscience Research Group, University of Oxford 
  • Dr Richard Clarke, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology 
  • Ms Anne Haugvaldstad, UCL MSc Climate Change 
  • Dr Candice Howarth, Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University 
  • Dr Beau Lotto, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology 
  • Dr Kris De Meyer, Department of Informatics, King’s College London 
  • Prof Susan Michie, UCL Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology 
  • Dr Nick Smith, UCL Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology 
  • Dr Michelle Shipworth, UCL Energy Institute 
  • Dr Jack Stilgoe, UCL Science & Technology Studies 
  • Prof David Tuckett, UCL Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology 
  • Dr Stuart Youngs, Creative Director, Purpose 

Support Team and Special Advisers 

  • Sarah Chaytor, UCL Office of the Vice-Provost (Research) 
  • Dr Ana Padilla, UCL Office of the Vice-Provost (Research) 
  • Nicholas Tyndale, UCL Office of the Vice-Provost (Research) 


The Commission explored the role of climate scientists in contributing to public and policy discourse and decision-making on climate change, including how highly complex scientific research which deals with high levels of uncertainty and unpredictability can be effectively engaged with public and policy dialogue.  

The Commission also examined the insights that scientific research and professional practice provide into how people process and assimilate information and how such knowledge offers pathways for climate scientists to achieve more effective engagement.  

Finally, the Commission sought to identify the approaches that climate scientists can adopt to effectively communicate their messages and to make clear recommendations to climate scientists and to policy-makers about the most effective ways of communicating climate science. 

The Commission’s activity included a one-day experimental event, ‘Seeing Yourself See’, with a number of climate scientists to discover how they saw their role and their perspectives on the communication of climate science.   

UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science (I) was supported by UCL Public Policy, which seeks to bring UCL's academic expertise to bear on pressing public policy challenges by integrating knowledge and evidence from across disciplines to inform policy.  

Headline findings

  • Communication: There is a need for the general public and climate scientists to engage in constructive dialogue, and for climate scientists to convey a big picture that provides a context for the discussion of new scientific results and their consequences. The authentic and personal voice of climate scientists in this process is essential for the general public to establish trust in the findings of climate science. 
  • Training: Training and development of climate scientists should address strengthening the transparency of the climate science process, and the degree of public participation within it. More specifically, the objective is to equip the community as a whole with the skills to fulfil a range of roles from ‘pure scientist’ to ‘honest broker of policy options’. 
  • Policy: Rather than assuming a role of ‘truth speaks to power’, climate scientists should assume a role of ‘co-production’: where they can contribute their expertise alongside other experts to inform policy formulation and the decision-making process. 
  • Leadership: A professional body for climate scientists should be established to provide a unifying purpose and to offer leadership. 
  • Self-reflection: Active critical self-reflection and humility when interacting with others should become the cultural norm on the part of all participants in the climate discourse. 

Final report: Greening the Recovery (pdf) →

Outputs and impact