



Improving care in acute hospitals: development and feasibility study of rules- of -thumb to promote comfort and decrease distress (DeCoDe-H)

Project Summary

The aim of this study is to develop a simple, acceptable, and practical intervention to support acute hospital staff and family carers in identifying discomfort and distress, maximising comfort (and thus wellbeing) and reducing behaviours that challenge. 

The study uses observational methods on acute hospital wards, and semi-structured interviews with staff and caregivers. Findings will then be presented to co-design workshops to develop a rule-of-thumb intervention. 

Selected Publications

Sampson, E.L., West, E. & Fischer, T. (2020) Pain and delirium: mechanisms, assessment, and management. Eur Geriatr Med (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41999-019-00281-2