


Centre for Dementia Palliative Care Research

The Centre for Palliative Dementia Care is a collaboration between UCL's Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department and the Research Dept. of Primary Care and Population Health

About the team

As more people are diagnosed with dementia there is an increasing demand for high quality research to address key issues facing individuals, families and wider society. We are the leading research group for dementia palliative care in the UK. Our team comprises clinicians, senior and junior researchers and PhD students from a range of disciplines. We use rigorous research to improve end of life experiences for people living and dying with dementia and to support their family carers and professionals who provide care. Our work is funded by organisations including Marie Curie, Alzheimer’s Society, ESRC and NIHR.


Members of the Centre for Palliative Dementia Care 

CPDC Members


Current Programmes and Projects

Empowering Better End of life Dementia Care (EMBED-Care) Programme




Current Fellowships

Supporting family carers of people with dementia at the end of life: Developing a decision aid (SALSA)

Continuing Compassion in Care (CCiC)

Experiencing Loss and Planning Ahead Study (ELPAS)

Understanding how networks of community members support end-of life care for people affected by dementia: A realist evaluation

Current PhDs

Developing a shared decision aid regarding NUTRItion and hydration for people with severe DEMentia in acute Hospitals (Nutri-Dem:H)

Is there a role of technology in monitoring awareness in people with severe dementia?

Effect of home healthcare and palliative care on healthcare utilization and outcomes at end-of-life for people with dementia by using large database research

An exploration of unmet palliative care needs and experience of grief in family carers of people with dementia

Exploring the level of palliative care needs amongst people with young onset dementia

someone typing on computer keyboard



close up of books on bookshelf at UCL hub

Previous Programmes and Projects 

After the Liverpool Care Pathway (ALCP)

Better Health in Residents of Care Homes (BHiRCH)

CoMPASs:IOn Programme 

UCL Partners (UCLP) Acute Hospital Dementia Training Programme

Managing Agitation and Raising QUality of lifE (MARQUE Programme)

Supporting Excellence in End of life care in Dementia (SEED)

The Impact of Acute Hospitalisation on People with Dementia: The Behaviour and Pain (BePaiD) Study