


Equality, diversity and inclusion

We have an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) committee comprising members from across our departments who represent all grades of staff within Division of Psychiatry.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee developed out of the establishment of working groups within the Division of Psychiatry (DOP), and provides an overarching structure to support the equity agenda and implement the DOP equity strategy. 

The members of the EDI Committee are:

EDI Committee Members

Seema Duggal

EDI administrator

UCL campus and portico

Selin Gurdere

Professional Services representative

UCL campus and portico

Prof Sushrut Jadhav

Inclusion Lead

Sushrut Jadhav

Prof Sonia Johnson

Division Director of Education

Sonia Johnson

Dr Gemma Lewis

EDI chair

Gemma Lewis

Prof Elvira Bramon

Director, Division of Psychiatry

Elvira Bramon

Dr Bryn Lloyd-Evans

Division Race Equity & Ethnic Diversity co-lead

UCL campus and portico

Liam Mackay

Co-lead of LGBTQ+ working group

UCL campus and portico

Dr Naaheed Mukadam

Post-graduate tutor representative

Naaheed Mukadam

Rachel Royston

Early career researcher representative

UCL campus and portico

Dr Andrew Sommerlad

Co-lead of Gender Equity working group

andrew sommerlad

Merle Schlief

Co-lead of LGBTQ+ working group

UCL campus and portico

Sign up to the UCL EDI newsletter 

Sign up to the UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion newsletter. 

The newsletter will include updates on areas of EDI work across UCL, details of events/projects taking place as well as links to useful EDI related content outside of UCL.

Sign up