
Department of Political Science


Dr Noele Crossley

Noele wears glasses and has her hair in a bob. She looks approachable
Associate Professor (Teaching) in International Organisations & International Security
 2.07, 36-38 Gordon Square
Email: noele.crossley@ucl.ac.uk


I am Associate Professor (Teaching) in International Organisations & International Security in the Department of Political Science at UCL.

I received a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). I have a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education and I am a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. I am an experienced teacher, having taught a wide range of courses in Political Science and International Relations. 

I am the author of Evaluating the Responsibility to Protect: Mass Atrocity Prevention as a Consolidating Norm in International Society and Understanding Humanitarian Protection.


My research interests are in the areas of international security and peace and conflict studies. Specific research interests include humanitarianism and international norms of protection.

I am available to supervise PhD projects in the following areas:

   •    Global security policy and international norms
   •    Humanitarianism and civilian protection practices
   •    Conflict resolution, mediation, and peacebuilding
   •    Disarmament and non-proliferation
   •    Sanctions regimes and human rights promotion
   •    Peace studies, pacifism, and non-violent resolution of conflict



Journal articles
Book chapters
Other publications
  • Crossley, N. and Qiu, C. (2021) ‘Why the World Can Do More to Protect Civilians in Conflict’, Fresh Perspectives: European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.
  • Crossley, N. (2019) ‘Book Review: Reviewing the Responsibility to Protect: Origins, Implementation and Controversies, by Ramesh Thakur’, International Affairs, 95(4), pp. 932–933.
  • Crossley, N. (2018) ‘The Responsibility to Protect: Time to Move On?’, CRIA Views.
  • Crossley, N. (2016) ‘Misguided Policies: Syria in Retrospect’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2012) ‘The Responsibility to Protect in 2012: R2P Fails in Syria, Brazil’s “RWP” Emerges’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2012) ‘Has the Responsibility to Protect Failed in Syria?Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2012) ‘How the Arab League Tried, and Failed, to Protect in Syria’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘Book Review: The Responsibility to Protect, by Gareth Evans, and Responsibility to Protect, by Alex J. Bellamy’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39(3), pp. 892–894.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Libya: An Assessment’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘A New State Comes into Being, a Troubled History Continues: Sudan’s Prospects after the Secession of the South’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘Legitimacy through Regional Governance: The African Union’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘A Responsibility to Protect in Libya?’, Global Policy Journal.
  • Crossley, N. (2011) ‘Côte D’Ivoire: Global and Regional Responses to the Post-Election Violence’, Global Policy Journal.


I am convenor for POLS0091 Humanitarian Protection, PUBL0046 Conflict Resolution and Post-War Development, PUBL0109 Global Security Policy, and I am co-convenor for POLS0019 International Security.