Careers Week 2022
View recordings of the sessions on Youtube
A Message from the Organisers: Dr Melanie Garson & Hilary Moor
Welcome to the Department of Political Science Careers Week 2022.
Last year we launched the first-ever Department of Political Science Careers Week #InspiringPolitics in which we brought together a host of alumni, inspirational speakers and skills workshops to try to reinvigorate our vision of the many ways your studies in political science can contribute to the brighter future we seek.
With over 1800 people having joined us virtually from all over the world, we were overwhelmed with the response and the requests for more.
So, we are back! This year is a little bigger, hopefully even more inspirational, and with the added bonus of hybrid and in-person sessions. We have also collaborated with colleagues across the university from the Economics Department to the European Institute to bring you new and exciting insights into possible career paths.
This year, inspired by Dr Brené Brown, we have themed the week #Daring Greatly. The greatest rewards come when we take the biggest leaps and remember that “Daring is not saying ‘I’m willing to risk failure.” Daring is saying ‘I know I will eventually fail and I’m still all in.’”
We hope you will be “all in” with us this week. We have a great week planned, including our Department of Political Science alternative careers talent show – what would you be doing if you weren’t studying political science?
Join us on this journey and discover new ideas and avenues that you may not have previously considered, learn about the many places for your talents in the marketplace, and build the skills to march forward into that marketplace confidently.
Melanie & Hilary
Click on the links below to view session recordings from Careers Weeks 2022, or view our playlist on Youtube.
Monday 6th June | Tuesday 7th June | Wednesday 8th June | Thursday 9th June | Friday 10th June |
10.00-11.00 CV Workshop *This workshop is Zoom only. | 10.00-11.00 CV Workshop *This is an in-person only workshop. Places are limited so please register quickly | 10.00-11.00 Interview workshop: Before, During and After *This workshop is Zoom only. | 10.00-11.00 Interview workshop: Before, During and After *This is an in-person only workshop. Places are limited so please register quickly | 10.00-11.00 Careers Drop-In: Open House Q&A *No need to book an appointment - just stop by. |
13:00-14.00 *This event is no online only due to the tube strike | 11.00-14.00 *This is a hybrid workshop that is open to all UCL students and interested staff | 11.00-12.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 11.00-12.30 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 11.00-12.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. |
14.00-15.30 | 14.00-15.30 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 12.30-13.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 12.30-13.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early.
15.30-16.30 *This workshop is Zoom only. | 15.30-16.30 | 14.00-15.30 Career Management: CVs *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 14.00-15.30 Career Management: Avoiding the Black Hole of Online Job Postings *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 14.00-15.30 Careers management: Overcoming Imposter Phenomenon: Why do I feel like a fraud and what can I do about it? *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. |
17.00-18.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 17.00-18.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 14.00-16.00 Exploring Econ | 15.30-16.30 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 15.30-16.30 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. |
18.00-19.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | *This session will be a hybrid session. Dr Nimon-Peters will be joining remotely and you can choose to either join Dr Garson in person as she conducts the conversation or join via the webinar. | 15.30-16.30 *This workshop is online only | 17.00-18.00 *This is an in-person event with the opportunity to join in via Zoom as well. In-person places are limited so please register early. | 17.00-18.00 *This is an online-only event. The first 100 registrations will receive a free copy of Dalia’s book once it is released. |
| 17.00-19.00 *Please note that priority for this workshop will be given to current MA/MSc students | 18.00-19.00 The Path Less Travelled: How I Ended Up Working in the International System | |
20.00-23.00 |