
Predicting Language Outcome and Recovery After Stroke (PLORAS)


Take part in PLORAS

We have included over 1500 volunteers! We are always looking for more stroke survivors to take part.

We are currently recruiting stroke survivors who are suffering from spoken communication difficulties.  

Our goal is to:

  • monitor their recovery in the first year after their stroke, and
  • investigate the factors (e.g.  therapy, age,  stroke details) that influence the degree of recovery.

The more stroke survivors we include, the more we understand!

What does taking part involve?

PLORAS participants:

  1. agree for PLORAS to access their hospital brain scan and medical records (e.g. stroke details and any speech and language therapy assessments)
  2. answer questions about their stroke recovery (approximately every 3-6 months)

Some participants may also be invited for optional follow-up activities.

Please note that PLORAS do not provide:

  • diagnoses
  • treatment
  • therapy recommendations

However, it is hoped that our research will help to improve the outcomes for future stroke survivors.

    How do stroke survivors take part?

    1. Most stroke survivors are referred to us via the Clinical Research Network.
    2. Stroke survivors can refer directly to PLORAS if they are not linked to a hospital site. Please Contact Us for more information. We can tell you what kinds of strokes and symptoms we are currently including.