Congratulations on your offer of a place on our MPharm programme!
Please have a look through the Welcome Pack which contains information about the UCL School of Pharmacy and the MPharm programme.
Click here to download the MPharm Welcome Pack for 2017 Entry
You will also find lots of information in the documents and links below. When you have had a look through, please check the Applicant Checklist to see what you need to do now. If you did not attend one of our interview days, you will also need to complete the Fitness to Practise self-declaration form and return it to us straight away.
If you have any questions about the MPharm at the UCL School of Pharmacy, please contact the Student and Academic Support Office (SASO) at sop.saso@ucl.ac.uk or 020 7753 5831.
Fitness to Practise Self-Declaration Form
GPhC Standards for Pharmacy Professionals
Immigration and Visas
Applicant Checklist
Careers in Pharmacy
UK students who do not have a GCSE grade C or equivalent in a modern foreign language are required to acquire an equivalent level of language proficiency once they are enrolled with us. Information on the modern foreign language requirement will have been included in your offer letter, and we will send out further information on how to register with the UCL Centre for Languages and International Education in September.