Here you can find information about ways to assist with funding your Study Abroad placement.
Turing Scheme
Each year, UCL has the opportunity to apply for Turing Funding from the UK Government. If UCL is successful in obtaining funding, you will then be eligible to apply for this funding during your semester abroad. Instructions will come directly from the Central Study Abroad Team, via the Students Abroad Moodle Course.
ULLA Award
Students allocated to our EU partner universities that are members of the European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences (ULLA) may in addition apply for an ULLA grant. Please visit the Grants for Students in the ULLA Consortium website for information on how and when to apply.
The British Universities Transnational Exchange (BUTEX) awards a number of scholarships to students studying abroad for a semester or a whole academic year along with students undertaking an overseas work/internship/traineeship placement of varying lengths of time.
BUTEX Scholarships are based on a calendar year and not the academic year. Students that have a placement that will take place across two calendar years will be able to apply in each year, but please note individuals can only win a BUTEX scholarship once. The next round of applications is expected to open in May/June 2024.
UCL Funding
Students may be able to receive a small Study Abroad Stipend from the UCL School of Pharmacy. Some students may also be eligible for additional funding through the UCL Financial Assistance Fund (FAF). For more Information on the cost of tuition fees for your time abroad, and eligibility criteria for financial assistance, please visit the Study Abroad tuition fees and financial help webpage.
Further information
Please email for any further questions regarding funding.