Explore the cutting-edge technology that we use to provide comprehensive analytical services tailored to meet your research needs.
Agilent Q TOF6545 LC MS/MS
- Quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer with UPLC system
- Positive and negative ion modes
- m/z range 20-4000 plus deconvolution software for high molecular weights
- Sensitivity: >500:1 signal-noise with 1pg reserpine on-column
- <1ppm mass accuracy
- Accurate mass (high resolution) measurement
- Intact protein mass measurement
- Proteomics, profiling, targeted: quantitative or qualitative
- Native MS: non-covalent interactions, ligand and small molecule binding screens
- Structural analysis
- Compound discovery
- MS and MS/MS
Shimadzu 2020 LC-MS
- Quadropule-MS with HPLC and UV detector
- Fast polarity switching enabling both positive and negative ion detection
- Pharmaceutical analysis
- Purity and degradation studies
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