Audio and Video Recording
Soundproof booths G and K are each equipped with a PC running Audacity and Praat, an audio interface, a large-diaphragm condenser microphone and headphones. Either booth may be used to make high quality audio recordings, though booth K should be preferred for this activity, due to its simplicity.
Soundproof booth F is additionally equipped with a video camera, short-gun microphone, and a flat colour background board. The booth may be used for making high-definition audio/video recordings which may subsequently be chroma-keyed with a background image of your choosing.
Behavioural Research
Soundproof booths G, H, and K are each suitable for running behavioural studies, being equipped with PCs running PsychoPy and fast internet connections suitable for use with online platforms such as Gorilla. The PCs also have the linear algebra package MATLAB installed, along with Psychtoolbox, for those wishing to use it.
Soundproof booth K should be preferred for single participant behavioural studies, due to its simplicity. A soundproof window with roller blind is fitted between booths G and H, along with audio signal routing, facilitating its use in dual participant studies. These booths are also each equipped with a headset featuring a high quality condenser microphone, making them ideal for conversational recordings and studies.
Users are encouraged to contact for setup and software advice when planning a new behavioural study.
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Soundproof booth F is equipped with a data acquisition system capable of recording a range of physiological signals including ECG, blood oxygen saturation, and respiratory effort.
Electroencephalography (EEG)
The Chandler House EEG labs are used to investigate human cognition from babies to older adults regarding hearing, speech perception, attention, and spoken and written language processing. Our EEG equipment allows for the measurement of both cortical and brainstem responses.
Soundproof booth C is ideal for adult EEG experimentation as it features permanently installed EEG equipment and is electromagnetically shielded. An additional PC is also provided for audio and video stimulus/task presentation. Likewise, the soundproof booth in room G07 is ideal for infant and child EEG experimentation. Soundproof booth D is also suitable for EEG experimentation using portable equipment. The booth is not electromagnetically shielded, though its mains power supply may be isolated to reduce interference.
Eye-tracking is used to track eye movements and measure pupil size (pupillometry) during a task, such as reading.
Soundproof booths E and F each contain permanent eye-tracking equipment installations featuring Eyelink 1000(+) devices along with PCs running SR Research Experiment Builder, for experiment development and presentation.
Room 113 also contains a permanent eye-tracking equipment installation featuring a Tobii TX300 device for exclusive use by students of linguistics
Transcranial Stimulation
Transcranial Stimulation can be used to establish a causal link between a brain area and task behaviour, or to establish the excitability of the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. The Chandler House TMS lab has a Magstim Rapid and Magstim Bistim stimulator along with an electromyographic (EMG) acquisition system to record signals from skeletal and facial muscles. In addition, there is also a tDCS/tACS system to use direct and alternating current stimulation.
Soundproof Booth B is specialised for Transcranial Stimulation.
Ultrasound and Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA)
Ultrasound tongue imaging is used to track the movement and position of the tongue during speech or swallowing. EMA measures the tongue movements inside the oral cavity to better understand how sounds are produced in speech.
Soundproof Booth H is specialised for Ultrasound and EMA.