
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Clinical Better Conversations Champions

Clinical Champions

Speech and language therapists, who are working clinically and have attended our training events may choose to become BC Clinical Champions. This role may include spreading the word, training colleagues, embedding Better Conversations into care pathways, setting up Better Conversations peer support groups, sharing examples from practice and presenting Better Conversations at team, service and trust level. There are opportunities for BC Clinical Champions to be supported by the BC team to collect service evaluation data or link in with our research projects. If you are interested, please email LC-betterconversations@ucl.ac.uk

Student Champions

Many student speech and language therapists at UCL advocate for Better Conversations during their studies, for example by offering training to their practice educators and placement services or undertaking their dissertation project with us. If you are a student speech and language therapist and would like to become a BC Student Champion, please email LC-betterconversations@ucl.ac.uk.