
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



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About us

CPD@PaLS is a unit within the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at UCL which runs a programme of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses, summer courses, study days and national and international conferences. Such events attract professionals from all over the UK and Europe who are working in the area of communication difficulties and speech sciences.

The course participants, predominantly speech and language therapists, teachers and psychologists, seek either to acquire specific skills or to update their knowledge. The topics covered relate to both adults and children who have speech and language difficulties, and reflect the wide range of research interests of the division's staff, including adult and paediatric dysphagia, dyspraxia, CAMH, behavioural issues, supervision, counselling, language disorders and British Sign Language. They aim to disseminate information and encourage closer links between professionals in higher education and health, education and social services.

A variety of teaching methods are used on the courses including lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions and role-plays.

Courses can also be designed and tailor made specifically to meet the needs of an organisation.

Our comprehensive programme runs during the academic year and summer term.

CPD Courses

We offer:


CPD Courses 2013-14

Application form

CPD Courses 2014-15

Application form

Contemporary English Pronunciation: A practical workshop

Application form

Summer Course in English Phonetics (SCEP)

To apply

Applied Research in Human Communication Disorders (PGCert / MRes)


Doctorate in Clinical Communication Science


 See previous conferences run by the CPD@PaLS


Tailor-made courses and event management


Supervisor Workshops

by Clinical Psychology DClinPsy


Our Aims & Services

Our Aims

For Professionals

CPD@PaLS provides events for qualified speech and language therapists and professionals interested in the field of communication disorders.

CPD@PaLS aims to facilitate continuing professional development through:

· The identification of training and educational needs.

· The design and organisation of courses, conferences, seminars, study days and summer schools.

· The dissemination of information from recent research.

· The provision of forums to exchange information and idea.

· The provision of a resource centre in specialist areas of communication.

For PaLS Support Staff

CPD@PaLS is always looking for creative and innovative ways to engage and develop admin staff in our division. For further details, see SHARE@UCL.

For full details about SHARE@UCL please look at our page.

Our Services

Our administrative and organisational support and facilities are available within the division for a nominal fee. If you are interested please contact us (see below). We also provide support to external clients at a competitive rate.

Contact us

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Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
University College London
Chandler House
2 Wakefield Street
London WC1N 1PF

Tel: +44(0)20 7679 4204/4020

+44(0)20 7679 4010

Email: pals-cpd@ucl.ac.uk

The Team

Lois Cheung, CPD Events / Staffing Officer
Molly Bennett, Divisional Staffing Officer and CPD Administrator
Sonia Theodoric, Divisional Staffing Officer and CPD Administrator
Leela Levitt, Administrative Support Officer
Cristina Gardini, MA, DMS, SHR / CPD Team Manager

The Contributors

Dr Geoff Lindsey
Dr Michael Ashby
April Winstock
Dr Joanna Przedlacka
Pam Williams
Josette Lesser
Dr Christina Smith
Sue Strudwick
Maggie Johnson
Dr Merle Mahon
Alison Wintgens
Sunita Shah
Stefanie Bucher Kirsty Catling
Martina Ryan Julia Hopkins
Gill Stern Emma Mottram