
UCL News


Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice Workshop Series: Term 2

4 January 2024

The Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice was established to support Health and Wellbeing at UCL and improve collaboration across campus.


Our aim is to foster an inclusive community that is supportive, compassionate, and respectful of staff and students at UCL. If you are involved in, or have interest in health and wellbeing, we would love you to join us!  

Find out more via our MS Teams Community.

Join us this term as staff take on a variety of topics, investigating different aspects of health and wellbeing, equipping us with the knowledge and tools to support students, colleagues, and ourselves. Presentations run fortnightly on Wednesdays, 12:30-1:15pm, in the form of a 30-minute virtual workshop followed by a 15-minute Q&A. 

Read more below to find out about this term’s workshops and to book your place. 

10 January: Gerard Jones – UCL's LGBTQ+ Action Plan 

Join us for a session with colleagues from the Central EDI Team to discuss the LGBTQ+ action plan. This talk will outline some of the experiences of LGBTQ+ people within Higher Education, the process of creating the LGBTQ+ action plan, as well as UCL’s plans for taking the plan forward to enhance inclusion across campus. There will also be opportunities to hear about actions you can take on a local level to support your LGBTQ+ colleagues and students. 

Sign up here

24 January: Gia Lulic – Growth Mindset Hacks to Up-Level in 2024! 

Discover the power of three transformative practices that will propel you from your current state to your desired future. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience as we delve into strategies to overcome challenges and foster personal and professional growth. This workshop is designed to empower you with the tools to cultivate a positive outlook, embrace learning opportunities, and persevere through setbacks. Together, let's shift our focus from fixed limitations to the boundless possibilities that await. Join Gia for an inspiring session that will reshape your approach to goals and unleash your untapped capabilities. Elevate your journey toward success and fulfilment by adopting a growth mindset — the key to unlocking your true potential. 

Sign up here

7 February: Tommy Garwood and Demetri Alvanis – Supporting equity & inclusion at UCL through sport and physical activity 

This talk will delve into the work that TeamUCL, the sports department within the Students’ Union, is doing to support more students to engage in sport and physical activity. Disabled students, LGBTQ+ students and those from a diverse ethnic background engage in sport at a much lower rate compared to their able-bodied, heterosexual, and white peers. Through the Student Life Strategy and accompanying funding, TeamUCL has committed to understanding the student experience and creating specific action plans to address inequal access to sport and physical activity at UCL. The presentation will cover the projects and campaigns that have been launched already, and what else will be done to support students to get active. 

Sign up here.  

21 February: Hannah Hickinbotham – Eating Disorder Awareness 

This talk will explore eating disorders and how we can support those who are suffering to access support and eliminate the stigma and stereotypes that exist surrounding eating disorders. We will consider the different types, the signs and symptoms and the consequences of eating disorders. Hannah will utilise her personal, clinical, and research experience to provide advice for supporting someone with an eating disorder and how we can work together to prevent the development of eating disorders. 

Sign up here.  

6 March: Thalia Anagnostopoulou – Navigating Opportunities for Professional Growth at UCL 

Join us to explore the opportunities provided by the Organisational Development team, dedicated to advancing the UCL mission. Learn about leadership, coaching, mentoring, and team development programs tailored to enhance your skills and propel your career forward. Uncover a wealth of training and development opportunities designed for all staff members, fostering personal and professional excellence. The workshop will delve into the tools and initiatives available to support UCL staff in navigating their career paths, while assisting leaders and managers in cultivating and developing talent within the organisation. Discover a world of professional growth and empowerment at UCL through this workshop session.    

Sign up here

20 March: Eloise McDay and Emma Hughes – Development, Campaigns & Projects Team (DCP): 2023-24 Campaigns   

This talk from the Student Support and Wellbeing DCP team will take you through their three award-winning campaigns that were launched in 2021-22: 
Your Guide to Thrive’: a fun-packed week each November to help students develop good self-care practices and look after their physical and mental health. 
Beat the January Blues’: a series of events which encourage students to gather, giggle and get outside to meet others once the excitement of the Christmas season is over. 
Exam Season Toolkit’: a useful toolkit to help students get ready, get set and go forth to succeed in their assessments. 
Find out how the team came up with their campaign ideas, how these have developed over time, as well as their biggest successes and learnings. To finish off, they will also be sharing some exciting projects DCP are working on for 2024. 

Sign up here