UCL Exams: have things gone as planned?
9 May 2019
Sometimes, exams or assessments don’t go as well as anticipated, despite all your planning and revision! You may find you will have to do Late Summer Assessments.

Whatever your stage of study, as a UCL taught student you are advised not to book holidays or make other commitments during the Late Summer Assessment period (19 August – 6 September 2019) until you are sure you won’t have any deferred exams or assessments or resits.
You will take Late Summer Assessments (LSA) if:
- you have deferred your exam because of illness or other difficulties (see how to do this through the Extenuating Circumstances process) OR
- you need to take a resit because you did not pass an earlier exam.
You will know the outcome of your current assessment and exams at the beginning of July.
All students are expected to return to UCL to take your deferred assessment or resit UNLESS:
- you are enrolled on a distance learning programme OR
- your visa has expired AND the application for renewal of your visa has been rejected.
(See Alternative Exam Venue Overseas below)
The examination timetable for Late Summer Assessments will be published on 19 July. The 2019 Late Summer Assessment Period is 19 August – 6 September.
If you generally perform well, but fail a small number of modules, you may be able to progress without resits through a process called Condonement. Read the new Student Guides to Condonement: Undergraduate Students; Postgraduate Students; Graduate Students.
Alternative Examination Venue Overseas
All students will be expected to attend UCL to take their assessment. You may apply to sit your examination at an alternative venue if you are enrolled on a distance learning programme or your visa has expired and your application for renewal has been rejected.
If you are unable to attend UCL for an examination due to an extenuating circumstance you may be eligible to apply for a deferral to the next examination period for which you will need to attend. Please note that there may be types of assessment such as practicals, orals or group work which will not be able to be accommodated away from UCL – please ensure you check with your teaching department even if you meet the application criteria.
If your application to take your deferred assessments or resits in an alternative venue overseas is approved, you will incur a UCL fee of £100 per examination. The host institution will also charge for a fee for which you will be responsible for paying. Your fully completed application form to sit your deferred exam or resit overseas must be received by 10 July.