Revised UCL childcare expenses policy for the activity of research staff outside working hours
4 May 2017
UCL's vision is to be a family-friendly employer, and supporting the research activities of staff with caring responsibilities, particularly younger children, is a key priority.
Following discussions at UCL's 50:50 Gender Equality Group and with UCL Women, a grassroots network of female STEM academics at UCL, the annual cap on childcare travel expenses for research staff on grants that cover these costs has been removed. We hope that this will enable parents and carers to attend conferences, work with international collaborators, conduct field work and travel for research more frequently.
Professor David Price, Vice-Provost (Research), commented:
"I'm very pleased that this change will increase the capacity of staff with caring responsibilities to conduct their research and collaboration, and to optimise the dissemination and impact of their research. Caring responsibilities should not be a barrier to career development, and we welcome suggestions about how any other constraints experienced by those with such responsibilities could be addressed."
the updated policy: