Information about NCL meetings held before 2025
NCL2023 The 18th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses in Hamburg, took place Sept 26-30, 2023, organised by Dr Angela Schulz. This was planned as mainly an in-person meetign with hybrid attendance possible. See the conference website here.
- NCL 2022 The 17th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses was held on 6-10th October 2021, Washington University in St Louis, USA, organised by Prof Jon Cooper. This is the first hybrid meeting to allow in-person and virtual attendance and was postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-10 pandemic.
- NCL 2018 The 16th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses was held on 12-16th September 2018, Royal Holloway, London, UK, organised by Prof Sara Mole
- NCL 2016. 15th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. 5-8 Oct 2016 in Boston, USA. Organised by Dr Susan Cotman and Dr Margie Frazier
- Programme available as pdf
- NCL2014. 14th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. 22-26 Oct 2014 in Córdoba, Argentina. Organised by Prof Dra Inês Noher de Halac, Dra Romina Kohan, Dra Inês Adriana Cismondi
- Abstracts available as pdf
- NCL2012. 13th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. 28-31 March 2012, London, United Kingdom.
Organised by Dr Jonathan Cooper, Dr Sara Mole and Dr Ruth Williams
- Progressive myoclonus epilepsies in the new millennium. From Marseille to Venice. 28 April - 1 May 2010.
- 'Planning for a UK Clinical Batten Disease Service: a meeting for Stakeholders'.
25 March 2009, Evelina Children's Hospital, UK. Sponsored and hosted by the BDFA. Organised locally by Dr Ruth Williams.
Options for delivering a specialist clinical service to children, young adults and families affected by Batten Disease in the UK: Is there a need to change? What is currently provided at ECH, by the Patient organisation and other organisations? Clinical Disease Registry. Outreach to families at home. Transition to adult services. National Commissioning. Business Case Planning. NHS - patient organisation collaboration - NCL2009. 12th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses.
3-6 June 2009. Hamburg, Germany. Organised by Prof. Alfried Kohlschuetter, Prof. Thomas Braulke, Dr. Angela Schulz Including workshops on the Rare NCL Gene Consortium and the International NCL Patient Registry
NCL2009 Abstract Book (pdf file) - 17th European Study Group on Lysosomal Diseases Workshop. Bad Honnef, Germany. 10-13 September 2009.
- 'Bringing Therapy to Batten Disease' Workshop. 28 March 2008, UCL, UK. Sponsored by the BDFA. Organised locally by Dr Sara Mole.
The meeting brought together for the first time over 40 UK scientists and clinicians to discuss how to bring therapy to Batten disease, learning from experts with experience of treatments that have succesfully reached clinical use for other disorders. - British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group Autumn Workshop: 'Everything you might need to know about Batten Disease' 10 October 2008, Guys Hospital, London, UK. Organised locally by Marie Jackson and Dr Sara Mole.
- NCL2007. 11th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease). 14-17 July 2007. Rochester, NY, USA Organised by Dr David Pearce
- First International Education Conference on Batten Disease: Quality of life - Lifelong enrichment. 3-6 May 2006. Sweden
- NCL-2005. The 10th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses. Helsinki, Finland. 5-8 June 2005. Organised by Prof Anu Jalanko
Special Issue: Molecular basis of NCL - published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. - EPPOSI Sixth Workshop on partnering for rare disease therapy development 25-27 October 2005. London, UK
- 9th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease). Chicago, USA. 9-13 April 2003 Organised by Prof Glyn Dawson
- Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses and other genetic lysosomal storage disorders: From the clinical to the molecular aspects. Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas (CEMECO), Córdoba, Argentina. 18-20 September 2003. Organised by Prof Inês Noher de Halac
- Réseau de recherche AFM-INSERM sur les maladies rares. Les céroide-lipofuscinoses en France: création d'un réseau nosologique et épidémiologique. Marseille, France. 22 November 2002.
- NCL-2000. The 8th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinses (Batten Disease). Exeter College, Oxford, UK. 20-24 September 2000 Organised by Prof Mark Gardiner
Proceedings published in Eur J Paed Neurol 5 suppl A:1-217.
- International Workshop: Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses - Current knowledge and perspectives, Milan, Italy. 11-12 February l999
Proceedings ed. by HH Goebel and N Nardocci in Neurological Sciences 21, Suppl. to number 3, S13-S92 2000. - 12th Workshop of the European Study Group on Lysosomal Diseases, Vidago, Portugal. 24-26 September 1999
- The Seventh International Congress on the Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses (NCL-98), Dallas, USA. 13-16 June 1998 Organised by Prof Michael Bennett
Proceedings published in Mol Genet Metab 66:229-408 1999. - Workshop on "Neuronal ceroid -lipofuscinoses". Mainz, Germany. 27-29 November 1998.
- Workshop on "Retinopathy in neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses in comparison to retinitis pigmentosa". Bad Horn am Bodensee, Switzerland. 1-2 March 1997.
- Concerted Action on Molecular Pathological and Clinical Investigations of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Workshop on the Genetic and Molecular Basis of the NCLs. London, UK. 14-15 November 1997 Oganised by Dr Sara Mole
Proceedings published in Eur J Paed Neurol. 2: A1-A17. 1998.
- Workshop: Advances in the neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses. Vth European Congress of Neuropathology. European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies. Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris. 23-27 April 1996
- The Sixth International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid-lipofuscinoses (NCL-96). Gustavelund, Finland. 8-11 June 1996. Organised by Prof Matti Haltia Proceedings published in Neuropediatrics 28: 1-84 1997, eds M Haltia and P Santavuori
- Workshop on Diagnostic (clinical and morphological) criteria of adult neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses (Kufs' Disease), Paris, France. 5 December 1996
- Fifth International Conference on Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses. Newark, USA. 19-21 May 1994. Organised by Dr Raju Pullarkat
Proceedings published in Am J Med Genet 57: 125-373. 1995.
- 4th International Symposium on the Neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses, Hamburg, Germany. 10-13 June 1992. Organised by Prof Alfried Kohlschütter
Proceedings published in J Inher Metab Dis 16: 225-352. 1993.
- Third International Conference on the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Indianapolis, USA. 30 May-1 June 1990. Organised by Drs Aristotle Siakotos and Glyn Dawson
Proceedings published Am J Med Genet 42: 516-627 1992.
- Second Congress on the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Staten Island, USA. 30 May-1 June 1987
Proceedings published in Amer J Med Genet Suppl 5 1988, eds JM Opitz, RK Pullarkat, JF Reynolds, LM Spano.
- International Symposium on Human and Animal Models of Ceroid-lipofuscinosis, Røros, Norway. 1-4 June 1980
Proceedings entitled Ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Batten's disease), edited by D Armstrong, N Koppang, JA Rider, Elsevier/North Holland, 1982. ISBN 0-444-80392-0.