CNIE’s anti-microbial research on stage in “Rise of the Resistance” Festival
8 September 2021
Nidhi Kapil and Halan Mohamad from the UCL Department of Chemical Engineering and the Centre for Nature-inspired Engineering (CNIE) participated in the Rise of the Resistance Festival, organised by Nosocomial in partnership with the UCL Precision AMR research initiative.
The event aimed to raise awareness about Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) among the general public. The event started with a play on “What Is AMR And What Can We Do About It?”.
At the event, scientists and actors worked together to convey the message in more straightforward terms to the general audience and discussed their research projects. Last December, Nidhi and Halan were awarded a £15k Precision AMR Seed funding on “Gold Nanoparticles Decorated on Stimuli-Responsive Polymer Brushes as Stable Anti-microbial Surfaces”, and some promising results from their recent nature-inspired research were presented at the show.
A video of the theatrical highlight of the project, along with further information, can be found here.
More information on the Precision AMR research initiative can be found here.