The Natural Sciences programme pledges to:
- Create spaces and opportunities for Natural Sciences community reflections about race, such as on the history and legacy of eugenics and genetics at UCL. This activity will build on and enhance events already run in 2019-20 and 2020-21. We are also keen to encourage the adoption of diversity statements in module syllabi, and continue to promote “Report and Support”.
- Support and facilitate activity to “Decolonise the curriculum”, such as by working with UCL Justice Collective and establishing/highlighting local pathways for race related community input.
- As an outcome of student-staff discussions, establish at least one active intervention that can be locally supported, such as staff/student champion roles, mentoring, or funding for development activities.
In addition we will be aiming to increase the representation of groups under-represented in higher education through our admissions and recuritment processes, through acitvities with the UCL Widening Participation and Access office, in particular the Access UCL scheme.
We are also developing schools based intervention projects through our NSCI0019 module, where students are tasked, using the Science Capital framework, to increase students interest and uptake in STEM subjects in further education by going and delivered exciting mathematics and sciences lessons in years 5, 6, 7 or 8.