
The Nahrein Network


Dr Alaa Hamdon

Scholarship dates: 4 February - 29 March 2019

Academic hosts: the EAMENA project at the University of Oxford

Dr Alaa N Hamdon
Dr Alaa N. Hamdon is a lecturer and researcher with the Remote Sensing Center at University of Mosul.

He is working with Oxford University’s Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) project at the School of Archaeology, with the aim of updating and obtaining a better understanding of the present condition of the archaeological site of Hatra. He is also studying the management of the site in the past half century and developing a plan to involve the community in preserving and further opening the site to tourism and culture festivals.

Read More about Dr Alaa's work with EAMENA here:  http://eamena.arch.ox.ac.uk/hatra-iraq-and-eamena/