MUSE work shines! Mona Alimohammadi awarded 'Best Medical Engineering' PhD thesis prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
17 March 2016
Congratulations to Mona who was awarded the 'Best Medical Engineering' phD thesis Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Mona's thesis: "Aortic dissection: simulation tools for disease management and understanding" was supervised by UCL Mechanical Engineering's Dr Vanessa Diaz and Dr Stavroula Balabani, with Mr. Obi Agu, lead vascular surgeon at the Royal Free and UCH as clinical supervisor.
Mona fought strong competition from people all over the country and as one of the 3 finalists, had to present her work to a discerning audience of Biomedical Engineers and Medical experts.
We are really proud of individual people's achievements in our group and this prize is absolutely well deserved. Congratulations to Mona!