
Multiscale Cardiovascular Engineering Group


Dr Vanessa Diaz awarded a Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship

13 April 2015

Dr Vanessa Diaz has been awarded a prestigious Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship to fund research that could lead to better insight on the structural uncertainty of multiscale models.


The Leverhulme Trust funds work of outstanding scholarship according to the following criteria:

  • Originality-the research achieves more than the incremental development of a single discipline
  • Importance-the work will enable further research or enquiry
  • Significance-the proposed research has relevance outside a single field, and is able to excite those working in other disciplines
  • Merit-the quality of the research design and methodology, and the suitability of the researchers and institution for the realisation of the proposed research objectives.

A second set of criteria reflect the particular values of the Leverhulme Trust, and express the Trust Board's aspiration that funding maintains a distinctive role within the current research funding landscape. The Leverhulme Trust particularly welcomes applications that:

  • Reflect an individual's personal vision, aspiration, or intellectual curiosity
  • Take appropriate risks in setting and pursuing research objectives
  • Enable a refreshing departure from established patterns of working - either for the individual, or for the discipline
  • Transcend disciplinary boundaries.

For details on the Lerhulme Trust and what they fund, click here