2018 UKCOMES International Workshop on Mesoscale Simulation and Modelling The Royal Society
26 September 2018
Event: London, UK, 5 - 6 November 2018 ABOUT UKCOMES The UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Sciences (UKCOMES) has been established since June 2013 to advance the mesoscale science and engineering through exploitation of world-class high-end computing (HEC).
The 2018 UKCOMES International Workshop aims to showcase the latest developments in mesoscale modelling and simulation as well as applications to challenging scientific and engineering problems. The focus is on mesoscopic approaches like lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). Other discrete methods such as smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), discrete velocity method (DVM) and direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), molecular dynamics (MD), reactive molecular dynamics (ReaxFF MD) and multi-scale methods will also be covered. The Workshop will facilitate exchanges and collaboration among academics, early career researchers, industrialists and other end-users in a wide range of fields.
The Scientific Advisory Board is chaired by Prof Sauro Succi (Italian Institute of Technology Foundation and University of Harvard). Members include: Prof Ilya Karlin (ETH Zurich), Prof Andrew Pollard (Queen's University, Canada), Prof Pierre Sagaut (Ecole Centrale Marseille), Prof Xiaowen Shan (Southern University of Science and Technology, China), Prof Stefan Turek (Technical University Dortmund, Germany), Prof Wen-An Yong (Tsinghua University, China)
The Industrial Advisory Board is chaired by Dr Patrick Warren (Unilever R & D). Members include: Dr Ir. Jan Willem van der Burg (Airbus), Dr David Holman (Dassault Systèmes Simulia), Dr Duan Wu (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe BV), Prof Guangwen Yang (National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi).
The Organising Committee of the Workshop is chaired by Prof Kai Luo (UCL), PI of UKCOMES. Members include: Dr Miguel Bernabeu (The University of Edinburgh), Prof Peter Coveney (UCL), Prof David Emerson (Daresbury Laboratory, STFC), Prof Tim Phillips (Cardiff University), Prof Rongshan Qin (Open University), Prof Mark Savill (Cranfield University), Prof Yonghao Zhang (University of Strathclyde).
Participants from within and outside of UKCOMES are welcome. Participants from industry and other end-user communities are particularly encouraged. The total number of participants will be limited.
Presentations are BY INVITATION ONLY. These include (a) keynote lectures; (b) research presentations; (c) topical reviews; (d) industrial case studies. Post-workshop publication of full papers in special journal issues (e.g. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society) may be considered.
The Workshop will be held at The Royal Society, 6 - 9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG. It is situated at the heart of London near the Buckingham Palace, with easy access by public transport. Hotel accommodation will be provided by the Imperial Hotels Group, at Russull Square near University College London and the British Museum.