Printed Collections

- Books
Search Explore for details of books in the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library.
Please arrange to borrow, reserve or renew books at the Issue Desk or over the telephone (ext. 33202) before 22:00 on weekdays or 17:00 on Saturdays. Please use the red book return box in the corridor outside Lecture Theatre 1 when the Library is closed.
See the borrowing pages for more information on books available at the library.
- Journals
Search Explore for details of our journal holdings.
All issues from the current year are found on the ground floor of the library and are arranged alphabetically by title. The latest issue is kept on display on the front of the shelves. Lift the shelves to access previous issues from the current year. Older issues are kept in store and can be requested from the Issue Desk.
Journals are reference only and so cannot be removed from the library. Photocopying and scanning facilities are available if you wish to copy any articles or colour plates.
UCL also subscribes to a large number of titles in electronic format. Please see the electronic journals page for more information.
- Theses
UCL Library Services normally holds printed copies of Ph.D. and M.Phil. theses completed at UCL. The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine theses, formerly kept at the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library, are now located at UCL's Wickford Store. Theses can be searched for and requested from the store for reference only access in the Medical Library via Explore .
More details about finding theses in UCL libraries and elsewhere can be found on the UCL Library Services website.
- QIPP Collection
The Royal Free Hospital Medical Library has created a specialist book collection to support QIPP. The collection is made up of relevant published books and material published by NHS organisations focusing on QIPP. It currently contains about 130 items, and will continue to grow as new content is published.
Items in the QIPP collection are included in Explore and have a classmark with the prefix ROYAL FREE QIPP.
- Reference materials
The reference section is situated on the ground floor and includes bibliographies, data books, dictionaries, directories, guides to research and scientific writing, grants registers etc. Reference materials cannot be borrowed.