Module information
Unit value: 0.5
Year of study: 2
Term: 1
Course organiser: Dr Rebecca Yerworth and Professor Adam Gibson
The purpose of this module is provide students with an overview of human anatomy and physiology such that they can intelligently develop biomedical engineering solutions and understand clinical colleges.
Current students should see the moodle page for this module.
Aims and Objectives
- To be able to describe the biochemical and structural organization of the body
- To be able to describe the functions of the main organs of the body
- To be familiar with some basic pathologies and how they affect the function of the body
- To understand how biomedical engineering is used in the treatment of the conditions chosen for the Case Studies
Brief Syllabus
PART 1: Anatomy and Physiology (16h)
Anatomy and physiology will be taught using a mixture of lectures and practicals/demonstrations in the Anatomy Lab and will include organisation of the body, cell physiology, nervous system, locomotor system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, excretion, skin, immunology, and aging
PART 2: Case Studies (12h)
This will be supported by 6 2h case studies where we present a clinical problem with its associated pathology, and biomedical engineering solutions for that problem. Case studies could include aging, arthritis, cancer, trauma, incontinence, kidney failure, Parkinsons disease, skull implants.
Teaching and exams
Teaching will consist of:
- Lectures, 28 hours.
- Seminars/problem classes, 4 hours.
- Labs, 4 hours.
- Required written work, 20 hours.
The assessment will consist of:
- Unseen written examination (2 hours) worth 60% of the total course mark.
- Written coursework/project assignments completed during term-time worth 40% of the total course mark.
We assume that you have met the minimum entry requirements for our undergraduate degree programmes (i.e. A level Mathematics (grade A preferred), Physics and one other A level at ABB or above, or equivalent). If you feel you meet the prerequisites through a non-standard route, please contact the module organiser.
Core Texts
There is a wide range of books on anatomy and physiology in UCL library. Students are encouraged to browse through the options and choose those which they find more useful for each topic covered in this module. A single book does not have all the answers and personal preferences are different.